I have made calculations based on 3 exchange buy and sell orders. (Cryptsy, C-cex and Bter) and have taken DOGE/BTC market into account.
Both cryptsy and C-cex have the same calculations to get the net total amount(Final amount including transaction fee) for both buy and sell order. In these exchanges Both buy and sell exchange transaction fee are in terms of BTC for DOGE/BTC market. But bter has different calculation on sell order and same calculation for buy order as in cryptsy and C-cex. Here buy transaction fee in terms of BTC and sell transaction fee in terms of DOGE.
I am greatly confused about calcuting profit? Kindly look at both Cryptsy and Bter websites to see the difference between sell orders.
case (1): Both buy and sell exchange transaction fee are BTC (cryptsy-buy, C-cex- sell)
Buy Exchange = Cryptsy
Sell Exchange = C-Cex
buy amount = 1 DOGE
sell amount = 1 DOGE
buy price = 0.0000038 BTC //taken from cryptsy exchange DOGE/BTC buy
sell price = 0.0000042 BTC //taken from Ccex exchange DOGE/BTC sell
buy_ex_txn_fee = 0. 002 BTC (0.2%)
sell_ex_txn_fee = 0. 0015 BTC (0.15%)
Buy order:
Total = buy_amount * buy_price (Total = 1 * 0.0000038 = 0.0000038 BTC)
buy_txn_fee = Total * buy_ex_txn_fee (buy_txn_fee = 0.0000038 * 0. 002 = 0.000000008 BTC)
buy_order_Net_total = Total + buy_txn_fee (buy_order_Net_total = 0.000003808 BTC)
Sell order:
Total = sell_amount * sell_price (Total = 1 * 0.0000042 = 0.0000042 BTC)
sell_txn_fee = Total * sell_ex_txn_fee (sell_txn_fee = 0.0000038 * 0. 0015 =
0.000000006 BTC)
sell_order_Net_total = Total - sell_txn_fee (sell_order_Net_total = 0.000004194 BTC)
Profit = sell_order_net_total – buy_order_net_total (Profit =0.000004194 BTC - 0.000003808 BTC = 0.000000386 BTC)
Case (2): (For the same DOGE/BTC market buy transaction fee in terms of BTC(cryptsy) and sell transaction fee in terms of DOGE(Bter))
Buy Exchange = Cryptsy
Sell Exchange = Bter
buy amount = 1 DOGE
sell amount = 1 DOGE
buy price = 0.0000038 BTC
sell price = 0.0000042 BTC
buy_ex_txn_fee = 0. 002 BTC (0.2%)
sell_ex_txn_fee = 0. 0018 DOGE (0.18%)
Buy order:
Total = buy_amount * buy_price (Total = 1 * 0.0000038 = 0.0000038 BTC)
buy_txn_fee = Total * buy_ex_txn_fee (buy_txn_fee = 0.0000038 * 0. 002 = 0.000000008 BTC)
buy_order_Net_total = Total + buy_txn_fee (buy_order_Net_total = 0.000003808 BTC)
Sell order:
Total = sell_amount * sell_price (Total = 1 * 0.0000042 = 0.0000042 BTC)
**// sell_ex_txn_fee is in terms of DOGE. How should I calculate profit?**
Profit = ???
Am I heading in correct direction? Is there any other easiest way to calculate profit? If possible kindly explain me with sequence of steps?