I have a script that uses the Blockchain API to check the current balance on all my accounts one by one. When I reach a certain balance I sweep to a master account.
Am I using the correct code here as I am having errors checking the balance on accounts.
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$mech->get("http://blockexplorer.com/q/getreceivedbyaddress/".$btcaddress); # Check transactions on each address as per masterlist
my $getreceived = $mech->content;
$mech->get("http://blockexplorer.com/q/addressbalance/".$btcaddress); # Check balance on of each address as per master list
my $addressbalance = $mech->content;
I can check transaction volume ok to reconcile with my accounts but I want to know the current final balance too so I can check that box also.