I've just had the same question.
So if you go to https://iancoleman.io/bip39/
and use mnemonic zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo zoo wrong"
and ETH-Ethereum, you would get the same result as the following code:
const seed = Bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic);
console.log("BIP39 Seed = ", seed);
const hdkey = HDKey.fromMasterSeed(seed);
console.log("BIP32 Root Key = ", hdkey.privateExtendedKey);
console.log("Account Extended Private Key = ", hdkey.derive("m/44'/60'/0'").privateExtendedKey);
console.log("BIP32 Extended Private Key = ", hdkey.derive("m/44'/60'/0'/0").privateExtendedKey);
it was contr intuitive for me, that "Account Extended Private Key" is the ancestor of "BIP32 Extended Private Key". So yes, you can use the account key to derive all child keys (xpub->xpub, xprv->all).
Hope that helps.