Maybe this question is utterly stupid, but I just don't get it: I am doing some POC work to understand the BitCoin network a little better and chose C# and the NBitCoin library as my implementation for it. Now, I was trying to read through the blockchain (with a current version of BitCoinCore installed and running locally on my machine) when I hit an unexpected exception: A transaction hash seems to exist twice in the chain. The Hash looks like this: d5d27987d2a3dfc724e359870c6644b40e497bdc0589a033220fe15429d88599 I found it once at the Block 14.11.2010 17:59:48 and then again at 14.11.2010 21:04:51 In both cases the entry is the same, a new coin generation transaction. Looking the hash up at I can find it at 14.11.2010 22:04:51 (they use a diffent date format there, I just converted it to match the others in this post.)
What am I doing wrong here? I mean... I guess that duplicate transaction IDs can happen throughout the chain, after all, they are just hashes, but how would I ever match the spending input to one of those if the Hash I am referencing it to is not unique?
I am really confused here right now and would appreciate good insights.