currently i am using bitcoinj library to create wallet for both Main-net and Test-net using Mnemonic code(Mnemonic Code is different for both), my question is can i create both Wallets(Test-net and Main-net) using one Mnemonic Code, if yes, then how?
1 Answer
Yes. You can create Mainnet and Testnet wallets using one Mnemonic Code.
Here is an example to switch networks.
> java HelloWorld testnet
> mrbZfHK4MuJYEH98w7gENLsrfnY1e4Lq8B
> java HelloWorld mainnet
> 1C5cNEE5YssHTAfXDYhrYRfXonwJe2u1Wf
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args){
String seedCode = "yard impulse luxury drive today throw farm pepper survey wreck glass federal";
long creationtime = 1409478661L;
DeterministicSeed seed = null;
try {
seed = new DeterministicSeed(seedCode,null,"",creationtime);
} catch (UnreadableWalletException e) {
NetworkParameters params;
if (args[0].equals("testnet")) {
params = TestNet3Params.get();
} else {
params = MainNetParams.get();
Wallet wallet = Wallet.fromSeed(params, seed);
Address address = wallet.currentReceiveAddress();