I wonder about the random number in R value ...
if i am right , the R value is First part of the script signature which is combined of two parts (r,s)
r = Gk (elliptic curve scalar multiplication) Or does the whole signature is the Gk ?? So r , is a multiplication of random number ( k ) times G (elliptic curve scalar multiplication )
while r = xcoordinate(R) , is just the first part of the ( r,s )
I read an article the most repeated R values in transactions is 0x00000000000000000000003b78ce563f89a0ed9414f5aa28ad0d96d6795f9c63 while G is the Double of this point means that the random number is (1/2)
so R value Is simply is simply calculated by multiplying any number by G ???
and they do call it nonce , so is it the same nonce shown in blocks ? that is already public ? or it is another nonce ?