My wallet has 3 addresses. My other wallet has 5 addresses. I just want to synchronize those.

How would I do so?

3 Answers 3


Just export the private key of one wallet and import to the other.


Please explain why you want to do this?

If your goal is to consolidate the funds, just send the money from one wallet to the other.

  • The 2 wallets share 1 private addresses (and a bunch of other addresses they don't share.)
    – user4951
    Commented May 2, 2013 at 10:05
  • Again, please explain why. If your goal is to consolidate, send all the funds from each wallet to a third wallet.
    – Eyal
    Commented May 2, 2013 at 12:03
  • Sending the funds would incur a fee which seems undesirable for a bit of housekeeping.
    – Al Sutton
    Commented Feb 26, 2014 at 14:01

How to clone BitCoin Addresses between different Wallets. Case: BitCoinCore <> Electrum

This informal article is not about transferring funds between wallets, nor about using the 'sweep address' procedure to transfer funds from one address to another.

It is about cloning an address from one wallet into another different wallet. This address will be usable from both.

Wallets are sets of Addresses. Each Address has a balance ('amount') an id ('address'), a tag ('account'), and a private key.

In order to clone addresses between wallets you have to know the private key of source address.

BitCoin Core ==> Electrum


Help | Debug Window | Console
backupwallet "local file system destination\wallet.dat"     # make a backup copy of your wallet (optional)
dumpwallet  "local file system destination\wallet.dat.txt"  # make a human readable list of your wallet.  Warning: includes private keys so destroy after use


Wallet | Private Keys | Import | copy here the private keys of address(es) to be cloned see file wallet.dat.txt

Electrum ==> BitCoin Core


Wallet | Private Keys | Export 
save or copy paste to the notepad, warning: keys are prefixed with 'p2pkh:' you must ignore that prefix. Warning: includes private keys so destroy after use


Help | Debug Window | Console
importprivkey "private_key from above" "optional_tag"
    warning: After that BitCoin Core automatically rescans the whole database, this may take hours.
backupwallet "local file system destination\wallet.dat"     # make a backup copy of your wallet (optional)

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