I am trying to get some bitcoin network data and I am using bitcoind-rpc library. If i just run their example:
var run = function() {
var bitcore = require('bitcore');
var RpcClient = require('bitcoind-rpc');
var config = {
protocol: 'http',
user: 'user',
pass: 'pass',
host: '',
port: '18332',
// config can also be an url, e.g.:
// var config = 'http://user:[email protected]:18332';
var rpc = new RpcClient(config);
var txids = [];
function showNewTransactions() {
rpc.getRawMemPool(function (err, ret) {
if (err) {
return setTimeout(showNewTransactions, 10000);
function batchCall() {
ret.result.forEach(function (txid) {
if (txids.indexOf(txid) === -1) {
rpc.batch(batchCall, function(err, rawtxs) {
if (err) {
return setTimeout(showNewTransactions, 10000);
rawtxs.map(function (rawtx) {
var tx = new bitcore.Transaction(rawtx.result);
console.log('\n\n\n' + tx.id + ':', tx.toObject());
txids = ret.result;
setTimeout(showNewTransactions, 2500);
I need to provide the data of my local node.
But I have problems downloading bitcoin node mostly because I do not have enough space.
Is there another way I can access the node without downloading full node localy?