Disregarding value, but instead going by size in the protocol, what are the largest transactions so far in the history of Bitcoin, in terms of:

  1. byte size
  2. number of inputs ("vin")
  3. number of outputs ("vout")
  4. total number of inputs and outputs

4 Answers 4

  1. The largest single transaction to date is 465,554 bytes. It's hash is 659135664894e50040830edb516a76f704fd2be409ecd8d1ea9916c002ab28a2.

  2. The same transaction has the largest number of inputs: 2,585.

  3. Two transactions tie for the largest number of outputs: 623463a2a8a949e0590ffe6b2fd3e4e1028b2b99c747e82e899da4485eb0b6be and 5143cf232576ae53e8991ca389334563f14ea7a7c507a3e081fbef2538c84f6e both have 3,075 outputs

  4. The same two transactions have the largest number of inputs plus outputs, although they only have a single input so the total is 3,076 inputs plus outputs.

Note, however, that the blockchain has been used to store information by manipulating output addresses so it is more than likely that the transactions listed in 3) are not "real", in that they do not contain spendable outputs.

  • Limits on transaction sizes suggest that it would be hard to create a transaction this big nowadays. There is a 100K limit on "standard" transactions See here Commented Jan 6, 2015 at 21:02

The largest transaction by size to date was the Mega Transaction mined by f2pool on 7 July 2015: It was 999,657 bytes, had 5,569 inputs and 1 output.

The transaction filled a complete block by itself and that block was widely cited as taking 25 seconds to validate. The transaction caused a lot of discussion back then, and prompted e.g. this blog post about the Mega Transaction's validation time by Rusty Russell.


Scripts to find it out yourself + preprocessed data

I have uploaded scripts that extract most of the data you ask at: https://github.com/cirosantilli/bitcoin-strings-with-txids including the top 10k transactions for each category.

Those scripts rely on https://github.com/alecalve/python-bitcoin-blockchain-parser which parses the blockchain data offline and without the need for a running local server.

The scripts could quickly update the data at any time efficiently from the last snapshot, and this is what I've found when I last updated on February 2021:

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