I'm learning to create tx from scratch in order to understand better how bitcoin tx works and how they are structured. I learnt to create tx with legacy address, segwit v0 and I am now learning taproot tx.
I read BIP340, BIP341, BIP342, BIP86 and BIP350.
And so I did the following:
- Create a random privkey1 (to receive from a faucet some tBTC).
- Derive the bech32m addr1 from privkey1 and send some tBTC.
- Create another random privkey2.
- Derive the bech32m addr2 from privkey2.
Now I want to create a tx spending tBTC from addr1 to addr2 (P2TR).
And so I did:
- Create the unsigned tx
- Create the sighash msg (with SIGHASH_ALL 0x00)
- Sign it with schnorr signature
- Construct witness field
- Construct full signed tx
So now I have the full tx. But when I try to send it to the network, it says "non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Invalid Schnorr signature)".
I initially thought it was an incorrect signature, but when I verify it, it says it's a correct one.
So my guess is maybe I'm doing something wrong on the sighash construction.
Here is the code I use:
import BIP350
import Schnorr
import ToolsUnit
# privkey1 and pubkey1 - from address
privkey1 = 115062707324911670947436473822948305952960242165803084361225582276718195358086
pubkey1_point = Schnorr.multiply(privkey1)
pubkey1 = Schnorr.ser256_schnorr(pubkey1_point) # bytes
# addr_from = BIP350.encode_addr_bech32m(pubkey1)
addr_from = BIP350.encode_addr_bech32m(pubkey1, "False")
# tb1pr8ja6wp3wzwzpt9ervw6jsd9nchlpsfa7k7qyrygj3g3srlpxxyqjwv8av
# privkey2 and pubkey2 - to address
privkey2 = 75282383716026770851796771414193474962426130999119568701422782830663027711075
pubkey2_point = Schnorr.multiply(privkey2)
pubkey2 = Schnorr.ser256_schnorr(pubkey2_point) # bytes
# addr_to= BIP350.encode_addr_bech32m(pubkey1)
addr_to = BIP350.encode_addr_bech32m(pubkey2, "False")
# tb1pkqy6q5qlhejfdcgvv47dqnt468nqzl82am5kqz374e6ddpxllxfqm6hpzj
# ----------
# I'll create a tx spending from 1 inputs (P2TR) derived from addr_from and sending to addr_to
# ----------
# data for the tx that sent me 0.00991456 BTC (taproot)
txid = "23168058d8701d5c2c738500fc7261e313511f333db1fc93f74bb935b9fd7458"
txid_reverse = ToolsUnit.reverse_byte_order(txid)
vout = "00000000" # 0
amount_received = ToolsUnit.reverse_byte_order(hex(991456)[2:].rjust(16, "0")) # 991456 sats = 0.00991456 BTC
locking_script_input = BIP350.create_witness_locking_script(addr_from, "False") # 512019e5dd3831709c20acb91b1da941a59e2ff0c13df5bc020c889451180fe13188
len_locking_script_input = ToolsUnit.calculate_varint(locking_script_input)
# data for the tx I want to create
marker = "00"
flag = "01"
input_count = "01"
version = "01000000"
amount_to_send = ToolsUnit.reverse_byte_order(hex(990000)[2:].rjust(16, "0")) # 990000 sats = 0.0099 BTC
sequence = "ffffffff"
output_count = "01"
locking_script_dest = BIP350.create_witness_locking_script(addr_to, "False") # 5120b009a0501fbe6496e10c657cd04d75d1e6017ceaeee9600a3eae74d684dff992
len_locking_script_dest = ToolsUnit.calculate_varint(locking_script_dest)
locktime = "00000000"
sig_hash_type = "00000000" # SIGHASH_ALL_TAPROOT 00
sig_hash_type_1bytes = "00" # SIGHASH_ALL_TAPROOT 00
# ----------
# ----------
hash_type = bytes.fromhex(sig_hash_type_1bytes)
nversion = bytes.fromhex(version)
nlocktime = bytes.fromhex(locktime)
# sha_prevouts (32) = SHA256(serialization of all input outpoints)
sha_prevouts = Schnorr.hash_sha256(bytes.fromhex(txid_reverse + vout))
# sha_amounts (32): the SHA256 of the serialization of all spent output amounts
sha_amounts = Schnorr.hash_sha256(bytes.fromhex(amount_received))
# sha_scriptpubkeys (32): the SHA256 of all spent outputs' scriptPubKeys, serialized as script inside CTxOut
sha_scriptpubkeys = Schnorr.hash_sha256(bytes.fromhex(locking_script_input))
# sha_sequences (32): the SHA256 of the serialization of all input nSequence.
sha_sequences = Schnorr.hash_sha256(bytes.fromhex(sequence))
# sha_outputs (32): the SHA256 of the serialization of all outputs in CTxOut format.
sha_outputs = Schnorr.hash_sha256(bytes.fromhex(amount_to_send + len_locking_script_dest + locking_script_dest))
# spend_type (1): equal to (ext_flag * 2) + annex_present, where annex_present is 0 if no annex is present,
# or 1 otherwise (the original witness stack has two or more witness elements,
# and the first byte of the last element is 0x50)
spend_type = bytes.fromhex("00")
# input_index (4): index of this input in the transaction input vector. Index of the first input is 0
input_index = bytes.fromhex(vout)
sig_to_hash = hash_type + nversion + nlocktime + sha_prevouts + sha_amounts + sha_scriptpubkeys + sha_sequences\
+ sha_outputs + spend_type + input_index
sighash = Schnorr.tagged_hash("TapSighash", sig_to_hash)
# ----------
# ----------
sig = Schnorr.sign_schnorr(private_key_int=privkey1, msg_hash_bytes=sighash)
# ----------
# ----------
witness_count = "01" # sig
r, s = sig
sig_hex = r.hex() + s.hex()
witness_sig_size = ToolsUnit.calculate_varint(sig_hex)
witness = witness_count + witness_sig_size + sig_hex
# ----------
# ----------
tx = version + marker + flag + input_count + txid_reverse + vout + "00" + sequence\
+ output_count + amount_to_send + len_locking_script_dest + locking_script_dest\
+ witness + locktime
For the signature part of the code, here is the code:
def sign_schnorr(private_key_int, msg_hash_bytes, k=None):
P = multiply(private_key_int)
if not P[1] % 2 == 0:
private_key_int = n - private_key_int
if k is None:
k = secrets.randbelow(n)
R = multiply(k)
if not R[1] % 2 == 0:
k = n - k
e = int_from_bytes(tagged_hash("BIP0340/challenge", ser256_schnorr(R) + ser256_schnorr(P) + msg_hash_bytes))
sig = ser256_schnorr(R), bytes_from_int((k + e * private_key_int) % n)
return sig