Yes, you can convert a 33-byte compressed public key into a 65-byte uncompressed public key in Java.
Here is the code to perform the operation. It is correct, robust, and only requires Java SE classes (no other libraries) - but I apologize for the implementation length.
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
static final BigInteger MODULUS =
static final BigInteger CURVE_A = new BigInteger("0");
static final BigInteger CURVE_B = new BigInteger("7");
// Given a 33-byte compressed public key, this returns a 65-byte uncompressed key.
byte[] decompressPubkey(byte[] compKey) {
// Check array length and type indicator byte
if (compKey.length != 33 || compKey[0] != 2 && compKey[0] != 3)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
final byte[] xCoordBytes = Arrays.copyOfRange(compKey, 1, compKey.length);
final BigInteger xCoord = new BigInteger(1, xCoordBytes); // Range [0, 2^256)
BigInteger temp = xCoord.pow(2).add(CURVE_A);
temp = sqrtMod(temp.add(CURVE_B));
boolean tempIsOdd = temp.testBit(0);
boolean yShouldBeOdd = compKey[0] == 3;
if (tempIsOdd != yShouldBeOdd)
temp = temp.negate().mod(MODULUS);
final BigInteger yCoord = temp;
// Copy the x coordinate into the new
// uncompressed key, and change the type byte
byte[] result = Arrays.copyOf(compKey, 65);
result[0] = 4;
// Carefully copy the y coordinate into uncompressed key
final byte[] yCoordBytes = yCoord.toByteArray();
for (int i = 0; i < 32 && i < yCoordBytes.length; i++)
result[result.length - 1 - i] = yCoordBytes[yCoordBytes.length - 1 - i];
return result;
// Given x, this returns a value y such that y^2 % MODULUS == x.
BigInteger sqrtMod(BigInteger value) {
assert (MODULUS.intValue() & 3) == 3;
BigInteger pow = MODULUS.add(BigInteger.ONE).shiftRight(2);
BigInteger result = value.modPow(pow, MODULUS);
assert result.pow(2).mod(MODULUS).equals(value);
return result;
My Bitcoin cryptography library does implement the modulo-prime field arithmetic, but it should add the functionality to decompress public keys as well...