I am working through mastering bitcoin. I am confused by getrawtransaction
. I would like to look at the first transaction in block 277316
from bitcoinrpc.authproxy import AuthServiceProxy, JSONRPCException
# rpc_user and rpc_password are set in the bitcoin.conf file
p = AuthServiceProxy("http://%s:%[email protected]:8332"%(username, pw))
# look at specific block
blockheight = 277316
# get the hash of that block
block_hash = p.getblockhash(277316)
# get the block
block = p.getblock(block_hash)
# get the transactions in the block
transactions = block['tx']
first_transaction = transactions[0]
print p.getrawtransaction(first_transaction)
Gives this error:
bitcoinrpc.authproxy.JSONRPCException: -5: No such mempool transaction. Use -txindex to enable blockchain transaction queries. Use gettransaction for wallet transactions.
It seems like it only wants to look in the mempool
. How do I use the -txindex
parameter it suggests?
If I run the below code, it works fine. This is also a transaction from the same block (64th transaction) and clearly not in the mempool. What is the difference between this and the how I get the transaction id in the above code?
print p.getrawtransaction('0627052b6f28912f2703066a912ea577f2ce4da4caa5a5fbd8a57286c345c2f2')