I'm running a bitcoind 0.16 and it seem working, blockchain in sync etc..
I've used the "new" rpcauth, which is non deprecated so kind of referennce as explained here: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/v0.16.0/contrib/debian/examples/bitcoin.conf. I've generated the rpcauth line and the password with
./share/rpcauth/rpcauth.py bob
Copied the rpc line in the ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf file and stored the password elsewhere. The conf file have this [rpc] section:
I run
./src/bitcoin-cli get blockchaininfo -rpcuser={...} -rpcpassword={...}
The answer is:
error: Could not locate RPC credentials. No authentication cookie could be found, and RPC password is not set. See -rpcpassword and -stdinrpcpass. Configuration file: (/home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf)
It's like the cli can't read the rpc credentials from the command line. It's not saying "credentials are wrong". Also the conf file is the correct one so...
Any clue?