I can not decode transaction in Bitcoin-QT.
The error is: TX decode failed (code -22)
. But blockexplorer site decode it.
Then I try to send transaction from blockcypher.com site, and the error is:
Error validating transaction: Error running script for input 0 referencing c806c9ae2ac9c71fad307c9fedeca2133edb195cae9e924424885f57a63ba9a9 at 0: Script was NOT verified successfully..
Please help what is wrong. I check transaction structure by hand and check signatures. It's all ok.
I upload signed and unsigned transactions on pastebin.
Unsigned transaction: https://pastebin.com/XfE73U57
Decoded unsigned transaction: https://pastebin.com/RH2tNrNn
Signed transaction: https://pastebin.com/K15c29tK
Decoded signed transaction: https://pastebin.com/Mfs0bXgR
I check signatures and structure of transaction by hand, and they are all correct. Inputs are unspent. So what is the problem? Please help me.
. The outputs of this transaction are unspend (5 outputs). I try to edit my question so to clearify the problem that I really misunderstand.