Could you help me understand if with segwit activated do we have more available private keys and addresses in the Bitcoin universe?
With Legacy [1...], Compatible [3...] and Bech32 [bc1...] addresses do we have 3x more possibilities ?
Thank you.
Could you help me understand if with segwit activated do we have more available private keys and addresses in the Bitcoin universe?
With Legacy [1...], Compatible [3...] and Bech32 [bc1...] addresses do we have 3x more possibilities ?
Thank you.
That's 2144363455669619533814323684450670475181580230986810095535626033037852598144837730344835022389248 in total.
The number of private keys has not changed; that's still slightly less than 2256, namely 115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494336. Only the number of ways to use them increased.