Sometime back, I created two wallets on two distinct cellphones. I sent a specific bitcoin value (A bitcoin) from one cellphone to another one. During this process, I captured the entire traffic.
After that, I extracted all tx values and output addresses. I saw same value (A bitcoin) and its output address (Address B) in the output which was sent from Source IP address (my cellphone) to destination IP address. Also this value and address was sent to some other IPs.
I also saw that this value (A bitcoin) and its output address (address B) is in some tx messages which is sent from another IP address to my IP address (my cellphone). In another words, I see that the specific value and its address return to my address again. It should be noted that this is a spent value and is not an UTXO. Why does my Bitcoin transaction value and its address in some tx messages gets returned back to me?