While working on go-elements I've been trying to expand on pset_test.go by implementing functions that broadcast different kinds of PSET transaction. Unfortunately I can't find many technical informations about this subject.
I'm trying to implement a test that Broadcasts a transaction created from a PSET that issues an asset, with P2PKH outputs for the asset, l-btc (for the change) and the fee.
The code I wrote is returning the error pset_test.go:324: Signature does not correspond to this input
which is pretty self-explanatory but I'm not sure where I got it wrong. I would appreciate some help and also indication on technical resources that could help me understand this subject a bit better. Thank you
func TestBroadcastUnblindedIssuanceTxP2PKH(t *testing.T) {
privkey, err := btcec.NewPrivateKey(btcec.S256())
if err != nil {
pubkey := privkey.PubKey()
p2pkh := payment.FromPublicKey(pubkey, &network.Regtest, nil)
address, _ := p2pkh.PubKeyHash()
// Fund sender address.
_, err = faucet(address)
if err != nil {
// Retrieve sender utxos.
utxos, err := unspents(address)
if err != nil {
// The transaction will have 1 input and 3 outputs.
txInputHash, _ := hex.DecodeString(utxos[0]["txid"].(string))
txInputHash = bufferutil.ReverseBytes(txInputHash)
txInputIndex := uint32(utxos[0]["vout"].(float64))
txInput := transaction.NewTxInput(txInputHash, txInputIndex)
lbtc, _ := hex.DecodeString(
lbtc = append([]byte{0x01}, bufferutil.ReverseBytes(lbtc)...)
changeScript := p2pkh.Script
changeValue, _ := confidential.SatoshiToElementsValue(99999500)
changeOutput := transaction.NewTxOutput(lbtc, changeValue[:], changeScript)
feeScript := []byte{}
feeValue, _ := confidential.SatoshiToElementsValue(500)
feeOutput := transaction.NewTxOutput(lbtc, feeValue[:], feeScript)
// Create a new pset.
inputs := []*transaction.TxInput{txInput}
outputs := []*transaction.TxOutput{changeOutput, feeOutput}
p, err := New(inputs, outputs, 2, 0)
if err != nil {
updater, err := NewUpdater(p)
if err != nil {
arg := AddIssuanceArg{
Precision: 0,
Contract: &transaction.IssuanceContract{
Name: "Test",
Ticker: "TST",
Version: 0,
Precision: 0,
Entity: transaction.IssuanceEntity{
Domain: "test.io",
AssetAmount: 1000,
TokenAmount: 1,
AssetAddress: address,
TokenAddress: address,
TokenFlag: 0,
Net: network.Regtest,
err = updater.AddIssuance(arg)
if err != nil {
err = updater.AddInSighashType(txscript.SigHashAll, 0)
if err != nil {
err = updater.AddInNonWitnessUtxo(updater.Data.UnsignedTx, 0)
if err != nil {
txHash := updater.Data.UnsignedTx.TxHash()
sig, err := privkey.Sign(txHash[:])
if err != nil {
sigWithHashType := append(sig.Serialize(), byte(txscript.SigHashAll))
// Update the pset adding the input signature script and the pubkey.
_, err = updater.Sign(0, sigWithHashType, pubkey.SerializeCompressed(), nil, nil)
if err != nil {
valid, err := updater.Data.ValidateAllSignatures()
if err != nil {
if !valid {
t.Fatal(errors.New("invalid signatures"))
// Finalize the partial transaction.
p = updater.Data
err = FinalizeAll(p)
if err != nil {
// Extract the final signed transaction from the Pset wrapper.
finalTx, err := Extract(p)
if err != nil {
// Serialize the transaction and try to broadcast.
txHex, err := finalTx.ToHex()
if err != nil {
_, err = broadcast(txHex)
if err != nil {