Linked Questions

19 votes
6 answers

Recipient has “not received” the Bitcoin I sent, but the transaction is confirmed

I sent bitcoins to the address I was given (double checked). The recipient is claiming they did not receive it. I sent them a different payment yesterday at 8:30p and they didn't get it until 4:00am ...
Cccc1234's user avatar
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Says "confirmed" but never received [duplicate]

I sent someone bitcoin through cash app and it says confirmed but the recipient said they never received it, is there a reason this could be happening? Or is there a way for me to get it back from the ...
anna's user avatar
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Bitcoins sent and confirmed by blockchain. But hasn’t been recieved [duplicate] I have sent money from cryperium. They have confirmed that the money has been sent. But i havent recieved the money at ...
Abilas Abbi's user avatar
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1 answer

Bitcoin was sent to my wallet 7 days ago but it has not reflect in the wallet [duplicate]

I checked the bitcoin explorer to check if the bitcoin is in and Yes it is but it stays unspent but it has not reflect in the wallet of the main address for 7days now ...
DREYSKENCH's user avatar
0 votes
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My bitcoin hasn't been received for good 10days now [duplicate]

I have sent my first Transaction from a bitcoin machine and waiting for it to arrive at another address but when i click on the Transaction ID of the addresses is Unspent? It only required 3 ...
DREYSKENCH's user avatar
0 votes
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Why does an X show in search bar when I paste a Bitcoin address in Blockchain? [duplicate]

I sent some Bitcoin twice to an address (3QiGE6rfL5PiCN8werdtXTsqeG6drN4oVm) and yet they say never received the funds. Also why does an X show up in search bar in when I paste the ...
wags2749's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Bitcoin successfully deducted on sender wallet but did not reach receiver wallet [duplicate]

Here is the wallet address for receiver: 1Gouzjo9Jav1k4AmRoUJJMzidVfnMoSieS. I had used the Blockchair site to see and track status. Based on the details, account had seen receiving last 21 hours. ...
Marc pangan's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

missing transaction not received

I transfered 0.013 mBTC into wallet.on the 07/07/2020. As yet I have not received Hash:- 13290114c5e1fe381c707e5f67b246cd0260f5bd24c9a1fc1aed0eab08dd2521 Address:- ...
N W's user avatar
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Can I use the Bitcoin Core command line to confirm that the bitcoin I sent to an external address was confirmed and arrived? If so, how?

I understand that one can use a node to ensure that transactions have been confirmed. If I sent bitcoin from my wallet to a friend living in another country, how can I use the command line on the ...
StatsScared's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Sent btc from coinbase, says confirmed but recipient says they’ve not received? [duplicate]

I sent btc out of my coinbase account 11 days ago now (£229.02 i was purchasing an item), everything says confirmed on my end and the transaction has had over 1000 confirmation now. So I’m confused ...
Osoq's user avatar
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1 answer

What does a wallet do?

What are the actual requirements for a bitcoin transaction? Not the simple inputs, outputs, verification or amounts, but in the technical sense; what does your wallet do? Everything I read says you ...
Anonymous's user avatar