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Questions tagged [assume-utxo]

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OOM Kill occurs during loadtxoutset execution

I tried to load a snapshot using the assumeutxo feature provided in Bitcoin Core v28.0. I ran loadtxoutset during IBD after the block headers were synced. But every time my login session gets killed ...
Shigeyuki Azuchi's user avatar
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Anyone tried assumeutxo yet?

I am attempting to use assumeutxo, but I may be overlooking something. I attempted to use my own snapshots from another node, but I consistently encountered the following error, where <BLOCKHASH>...
jaonoctus's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Weak Subjectivity Checkpoints trust assumptions

With AssumeUTXO it should be possible to sync to chaintip from a recent snapshot of the UTXO set, rather than from the genesis block (although there's background full validation after sync). This is ...
Son Kaos999's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Skip IBD on pruned node?

I'm trying to run a light bitcoind node for testing purposes on mainnet, with minimum startup time. ./bin/bitcoind \ -prune=550 \ -txindex=0 \ -assumevalid=...
Carlos's user avatar
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