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3 answers

Is there a rpc/cli method for payment protocol in bitcoin-core?

I have a full node running bitcoin-core 0.16 bitcoind (not bitcoin-qt). Today I tried and failed to pay a bitpay "secure" payment protocol uri invoice via the cli. The uri was in the form bitcoin:?r=...
memtha's user avatar
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What restrictions will be placed on X509 certificates that are used in the payment protocol?

I'm looking at BIP0070 and also this forum thread which is locked for some reason; so I'll post here. When it comes to validating a certificate for the purpose of a Bitcoin payment, each certificate ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How will X509-validated payments request work? (AKA "The Payment Protocol")

I'm looking for an overview and requirements on how this will work... including Root CA selection (across the platforms) What does the request look like? How does the payment "flow" look like?
makerofthings7's user avatar