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Questions tagged [bip70-payment-protocol]

A standard Payment Protocol for Bitcoin which supports multiple arbitrary outputs, refunds, and signed payment requests.

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request btc payment when insufficient btc sent

If a transaction was made and not enough btc to cover it, what are the options to add to the btc to cover the transaction. How does the request payment work in this instance?
Jacqueline Briggs's user avatar
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Does BIP70 have any problem (security/privacy/etc)? Why will Bitcoin Core disable it by default in the next major release (0.19.0)?

Recently it's reported that Bitcoin Core will disable BIP70 support by default in the next major release (0.19.0):
Chris Chen's user avatar
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Is there a rpc/cli method for payment protocol in bitcoin-core?

I have a full node running bitcoin-core 0.16 bitcoind (not bitcoin-qt). Today I tried and failed to pay a bitpay "secure" payment protocol uri invoice via the cli. The uri was in the form bitcoin:?r=...
memtha's user avatar
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How to generate a payment request [BIP70] with specified fees

I am working on an bitcoin payment system that generates invoices, because the invoice is time sensitive we like to control the fees our users pay as much as possible. Is it possible to create a ...
askmike's user avatar
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Question about BIP70 and bitpays recent card top up changes

Okay so bitpay just sent out an email that outlines some changes to their card top-up process. Apparently, they are implementing BIP70 and I am honestly not very familiar with what exactly that is. I ...
Futurology's user avatar
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How does a BIP70 url look like? I want to send my email to the person I'm sending my coins to.

I'm trying to build an application that takes bitcoin and also an email. But when you send bitcoin you cannot send a message attached to it. Supposedly BIP70 solves this problem. How does a BIP70 URI ...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
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BIP70 signed payment request

I am using to make signed payment request. I bought COMODO Wildcard certificate. And creating certificates bundle in following order:, ...
minus1's user avatar
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BIP70 who issues the transactions, wallet or payment_url server?

The BIP70 specs I'm reading confuse me about who broadcasts the underlying transactions to the bitcoin network. My reading seems to suggest that both the user's wallet and the server at the ...
Colin Messitt's user avatar
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Can you generate a url from a payment request?

I am writing a java webserver that can use bitcoin as a payment method. Thanks to the helpful advice in this question, I am able to generate payment addresses for various signed up vendors. I am now ...
S. Buda's user avatar
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Why is a Payment Protocol Acknowledgement message not signed?

The Payment Protocol (BIP 70) describes three messages passed between a payer and payee. The last one is an acknowledgement message sent by the payee. This discussion talks about the acknowledgement ...
Rich Apodaca's user avatar
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How to handle return address Output field using bitcoin bip 70?

More specifically, how do I derive the return address from the Output field in a protocol buffer Payment object? I can convert the serialized byte string from the 'script' field of the Output into a ...
derrend's user avatar
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How to receive and manipulate a bip 70 payment object in django python?

I'm trying to check to see if the variables are being set correctly by the client and being received correctly by me. I'm new to proto buffs and django and my code below doesn't seem to be working. I'...
derrend's user avatar
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Can I pass values over a bitcoin bip 70 URI?

is it possible to add arguments such as BTC amount to a bip 70 URI, something like: bitcoin:?r= I already tried with the backwards compatible URI: ...
derrend's user avatar
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Prompt user for payment amount using bitcoin bip 70?

When specifying the details for the payment object I have noticed that if I leave amount blank I am not prompted to enter an amount by the bitcoin-qt 0.9 client. xpd = x.PaymentDetails() xpd.time = ...
derrend's user avatar
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How to implement and use BIP 70?

I have a server running bitcoind 9.x, how can I incorporate features such as return addresses to my customers using BIP 70? I have seen the GIT repo but is it something that I have to download or is ...
derrend's user avatar
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How does BIP 0070 work for me, the user?

BIP 0070 (the payment protocol) is included in Bitcoin-core 0.9.0. The main idea behind it is to simplify the sending of bitcoins to a service by making it a more p2p thing. My question is this, ...
John T's user avatar
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Has the payment protocol – which is supposed to protect against Man-In-The-Middle attacks – ever been implemented?

The two main problems generally mentioned that payment protocol “BIP 0070” (Andresen, 29-07-2013) is supposed to solve are usability and protection against Man-In-The-Middle attacks. In the latter the ...
Brian Fabian Crain's user avatar
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Payment Protocol: Is using different addresses for refunds just because of privacy?

One of the features of the new payment protocol is that it allows the customer's wallet to automatically send a refund address with the transaction to the merchant. Why would the refund not be sent ...
Brian Fabian Crain's user avatar
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What restrictions will be placed on X509 certificates that are used in the payment protocol?

I'm looking at BIP0070 and also this forum thread which is locked for some reason; so I'll post here. When it comes to validating a certificate for the purpose of a Bitcoin payment, each certificate ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
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How will X509-validated payments request work? (AKA "The Payment Protocol")

I'm looking for an overview and requirements on how this will work... including Root CA selection (across the platforms) What does the request look like? How does the payment "flow" look like?
makerofthings7's user avatar