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Questions tagged [bittrex]

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10 votes
3 answers

Bittrex API rate limit

Does Bittrex have a limit on how many requests I can do? I cannot find that info in their documentation. I only find their Announcement from 2014 which says: Api requests will be throttled based ...
carpics's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

what is the Volume and BaseVolume reported from bittrex API?

For example in or if you subscribe to the ws feed you get sent the following type thing. { "MarketName": "BTC-ANS", "High": 0.0031, "Low": ...
Flo Woo's user avatar
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With the Bittrex BTC-BCH pair how do I order enough BCH to exactly spend one BTC?

Bittrex orders have their lot size/quantity in BCH and price in BTC. If I only have one BTC in my wallet how can I convert it all to BCH? To ask another way: How do I know the exact quantity of BCH ...
Dan's user avatar
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