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2 answers

How is crypto Mining actually validating the block?

As far as I understand in crypto-mining you are trying to find the nonce such that the hash starts with some amount of zero's. I do not understand how this nonce is used to actually validate anything.
KoalaMaybe's user avatar
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2 answers

How is the Target Hash determined?

So, I understand how the amount of leading 0's are calculated, but how is the hexadecimal that come after the leading 0's calculated? For example, the previous mined blocks hash was ...
L M 's user avatar
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Understanding Transactions, Mining, and the 10 minutes block solved

I'm not entirely sure if the questions I have regard to Bitcoin all relate to each other? How do miners decide how many transactions they should have in a block in order to mine 1 bitcoin? When miners ...
hellomello's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is that proved that for each block there is always nonce value which will make block hash to start by n count of 0

Sorry for the obvious question, but I'm looking for a mathematical prove. Block header is calculated as a concatenation of the following values. Version hashPrevBlock hashMerkleRoot timeStamp Bits ...
Ruben's user avatar
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3 answers

Can a miner just introduce a block full of valid predetermined transactions in the blockchain and get rewarded?

My question is - let's say a miner has control over a certain number of bitcoin addresses. He creates a block containing small transactions to and fro from these accounts ahead of time in advance and ...
Vaibhav Chopra's user avatar
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How are nonces decided in mining?

I know that when I create a new block in a Bitcoin network, I change the nonce value to generate a block. The question is, do you randomly assign the values you assign to nonces? Or do you start with ...
ASH's user avatar
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How Do Peers Choose Which Peer To Trust?

So the way I understand how the blockchain works is that each new block uses the previous block's hash, which means if my block[100].hash != someone_elses_block[100].hash that means that either I ...
ABOODYFJ's user avatar
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How do I get Bitcoin block header data with nonce?

How do I get Bitcoin block header data with nonce? There are tens of so called blockchain explorer websites, tens more offering on-line Bitcoin blockchain parsing. But all I need are historic ...
darius's user avatar
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Can "Digital Signature of the Block by the Miner" be used in place of "Nonce"?

As it is understood that arriving nonce is very resource intensive, whether "Digital Signature of the Block by the Miner" can be considered in place of "Nonce"? Its Shortcomings, if not suitable.
AVA's user avatar
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What is the Coin Base Text of a bitcoin block?

On the site, there is a column Coin Base Text with values like Mined by AntPoolk9 Z4,b or *3Zc/BTC.COM/mm.j΀n~OoBրn*e*@ for example. What does it mean? Is it ...
hardfork's user avatar
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What happens if everyone discovers much faster way of solving hash function problem (mining)?

The question is not about how bitcoin mining works, but rather how bitcoin system adapts to progress in ability to tackle proof-of-work problems. Suppose that proof-of-work problems used for bitcoin ...
Guest-I's user avatar
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Guessing nonce - nonce pools/domains [duplicate]

Blockchain miners calculate the hash of (block data + nonce value). They actually guess (are looking for) nonce in order to get hash staring with a defined number zeroes. (The number of required ...
sbrbot's user avatar
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Why check for multiple nonces despite finding a golden nonce?

I'm still new at trying to understand the entire idea surrounding the mining process. I read the following: When mining, you are given a set of data to perform hashes on. As you noted, this is done ...
rb612's user avatar
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5 votes
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Blockchain SHA256 hash and nonce [duplicate]

I have been reading the SHA256 hash creation with a random nonce. So, my understanding is every miner would pull uncommited transactions and would try to create a Hash of the transactions with a ...
user7347188's user avatar
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Does 4 byte Nonce enough to proof of work?

Is it always possible to find an hash value of a block, smaller than the current difficulty, just using 4 byte (Nonce) ? How can we be sure about it ?
carkaci's user avatar
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Can two different nonces and different blocks produce the same hash?

Say, I want to erase the record of a transaction by changing a block. Can I go back to that block and find a new block and nonce combination that makes the same hash? Is it a case that finding such ...
user1936752's user avatar
2 votes
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How is the mempool incorporated in the calculation of the block hash?

So I've been reading about how the nonce is calculated. There is one part that I don't get. So there is a mempool, and each node (or mining node) takes a part (or the whole part) of that mempool, ...
Mostafa Zamani's user avatar
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Why change the nonce instead of just rehashing?

Why do miners increase the nonce to compute a block hash rather than just generating a random block hash? It seems to me that both approaches would have the same likeliness of finding a result that ...
Glenn's user avatar
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Block nonce predictable

Is the block nonce predictable in any way? It seems to be a proof of work on his own just like the block hash, but may a miner force a mined block to have a specific nonce? (if his hashrate allows him ...
Damiano Barbati's user avatar
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Are transactions still tamper-proof if blocks are hashed without nonces?

If an alt were to forgo difficulty and timed release of new supply by removing the nonce from blocks therefore the whole difficulty/target system, is hashing without nonces still providing the same ...
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