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wallet that does not abstract change addresses?

I wanted a hands on approach to see change adresses myself instead of hiding away all the details. I also want to see non-deterministic wallets just for education so that I can understand. When we ...
Mini kute's user avatar
4 votes
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BIP44 and change addresses

I always wondered why BIP44 HD wallet differentiate between internal change addresses (m/44'/0'/0'/1/*) and external receiving (m/44'/0'/0'/0/*)? Why do some wallets advice me not using internal ...
jakob's user avatar
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bip44 address generation

I am writing hd wallet following bip44. After each transaction, should I create a brand new change address each time? Or can I use the same change address multiple times? What is the recommended ...
Cem Karay's user avatar
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how to configure bitcoin-core (bitcoin-qt) to not use change addresses?

Can bitcoin-core wallet be configured to not use change addresses, but just one address? If yes, how? Thanks (PS: I know most people will try to convince me that this is not a good thing, but I have ...
knocte's user avatar
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