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Questions tagged [change]

Splitting a transaction and sending some of the coins back to the sender. Necessary for some currencies due to the design of the protocol.

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How can I get Sparrow Wallet to send change back to the origin address?

In the Electrum wallet, I could set use_change: false to send change back to the origin address. How can I achieve that with Sparrow Wallet?
Moon soon's user avatar
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Bitcoin Core balance differs from that shown by

I restored a wallet.dat created with version 22.0. In Bitcoin Core 27.1, it now shows a balance of 1.16387212. My address 39L1wGdaPemy8vgQdz7CNU3QBDXthurLb7 shows a balance of 1.15278884 on mempool....
Pavel's user avatar
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How do I send the change output from an input to fundchannel to a taproot address instead of to a SegWit v.0 address?

Is there a way send the change output from an input to fundchannel to a taproot address instead of to a SegWit v.0 address? I have only one large utxo in onchain funds of my Core Lightning node. Its ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Identifying change addresses by locktime?

I know that Blocksci is no longer being actively developed but I was reading through some of the documentation about identifying change addresses and came across this: change.locktime = <blocksci....
user2334659's user avatar
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How does Electrum's "send change to lightning" work?

In Electrum, when sending to a non-Lightning ₿ address, I can choose the "send change to lightning" option. How does this work?
Geremia's user avatar
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Change output matches payment output type, not previous output type

Using the Bitcoin Core wallet making a transaction which spends a native segwit output and pays to a p2sh-wrapped segwit output will create a p2sh-wrapped change output. It is different from my ...
david's user avatar
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Can it happen that, after a bitcoin transaction, the change is sent to a receiving (not change) address?

I have an Electrum wallet and I can see there are 2 types of addresses: receiving and change. Change addresses are supposed to receive the change bitcoins after a transaction, but can it happen that ...
Martel's user avatar
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What if I don't send back the remaining satoshis to myself?

I'm trying to send a tx request to bitcoin node to make a transaction. All tutorials send back the remaining satoshis to themselves. What if I don't do that and don't send remaining satoshis to myself?...
Monte Conte's user avatar
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How to set change address with python bitcoinlib

I am using python's bitcoinlib to try and set up payments where a client sends funds to a server and then sends requests signed with their key as proof that the request came from them. The server ...
Colm Evans's user avatar
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Setting up to create PSBTs using Bitcoin Core from 10 year old non-deterministic wallet

I have an old wallet from 10+ years ago. It was created using an old version of Bitcoin Core before deterministic wallets were a thing. I have it now on an offline computer that has Bitcoin Core 21.0....
Sarlat's user avatar
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How do I perform a RBF transaction through Bitcoin Core?

I have no knowledge about Bitcoin Core and attempted my first transaction, which failed due to low fee due to a basic math error. (Did not notice it was per kilobyte rather than per byte.) It is ...
user141318's user avatar
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Why distinguish between receiving address and change address

I see receiving address and change address in wallet client and bip44. Why distinguish between receiving address and change address? What will be the problem if I use only change address chain for ...
MonKong's user avatar
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How to parse out the recipient address of "change" from transactions in tx?

I just read in this page that a transaction typically has two addresses, one for the recipient of a transaction and another for the "change" associated with the transaction. My question is ...
bitcoinluvr6969's user avatar
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Change addresses in old backups

I have a very old wallet backup, from 2011, from bitcoin-qt, I imported it to bitcoin core, but I seem to have only one address, seems that I have no change addresses in the imported data. Is the ...
Didi Kohen's user avatar
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Determining change address

hoping to gain a bit more clarity on how change addresses work here. In the attached example, can the change address be identified with 100% certainty? Is there a potential scenerio where it could be ...
doug's user avatar
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Does high value of change sent back to yourself affect transaction fees? Keep the balance of hot wallet low or high?

I understand that when you are sending bitcoin to someone normally you should send some money back to yourself as change. Normally wallets do this automatically for you.(Wallets normally generate a ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Sending certain amount of bitcoin from an address

Today I created my very first transaction of bitcoin on the testnet programmatically. I created a wallet A, first generated my private key and I generated a deposit address. I deposited 0.00074 btc ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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How can you tell whether an address was made for CHANGE?

How to tell if an unrecognized, unclaimed address you sent BTC to is actually a "made for CHANGE" address? And if you discover a CHANGE address with unspent $$ in it, how can you retrieve ...
Ra2377ven's user avatar
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`getaddressinfo` incorrect output for `ismine`

Running Core, trying to verify that I infact control a change address before I sign and broadcast a txn. But I can't find any way to list all future change addresses. I searched and found ...
mikew's user avatar
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Did Satoshi invent UTXOs?

Did Satoshi invent the UTXO model (the concept of "unspent transaction outputs" that are spent fully when invoked, leaving new UTXOs and "change"), or was the UTXO model based on ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
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Why are there round numbers after the fees and no change?

I am looking into a cluster of addresses that seem to be repeatedly sending transactions with a round number output and no change. How/why is this happening? For example c809850a2d8b… and 718fd33c7307…...
Shm's user avatar
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Can you have a transaction without a change output?

While reading about the fees here The article said that "In the simplest case, you'll have one input and two ...
igobivo's user avatar
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Why Would Someone Not Use a new Change Address

I have previously asked questions and read about the importance of always using a new address every-time you receive a transaction, even for change. Sometimes when I watch the block explorer I see ...
Prince M's user avatar
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How does change address interact with original address

change address is an additional address inside a wallet, which u can create with a raw transaction with 2 outputs. What I want to know is how does this change address interact with the (for a lack of ...
Keba's user avatar
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What does it mean ''Unconfirmed change may be issued''?

After i send some BTC the left over BTC came back and goes to a new Address in my Wallet, how come ? What does it mean ''Unconfirmed change may be issued'' ?
Rob's user avatar
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listreceivedbyaddress does not return any information about change addresses, is there any alternative?

listreceivedbyaddress does not return info about change addresses (m/84'/1'/0'/1/*) , only about receiving addresses (m/84'/1'/0'/0/*). I've found out that getreceivedbyaddress "address" ...
le0's user avatar
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How to validate the change address in a multisig transaction?

I am using Specter Desktop to create a PSBT for a multisig transaction with some hardware wallets to sign. Part of the PSBT is a change address and I can match what the hardware wallet says to what ...
Jeff's user avatar
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I somehow sent a transaction to my own wallet address

I wanted to make a transaction to a vendor but somehow I made it to my own address? It is yellow color and I put very very low fee. It is unconfirmed yet because of the fees. Should I just increase ...
LexLer's user avatar
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How is the UTXOs of each partially-spent TxIn determined?

My current understanding of a transaction is as follows: a transaction (Tx) can have multiple inputs (which are previous unspent transactions = UTXOs), let's call them the TxIn a Tx can have multiple ...
Jean Monet's user avatar
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6 answers

Why is there "Change" in Bitcoins?

I have read about a change address and wondered why there even is the concept of change? Let's say I received 1 BTC from some person A and I want to send 0.4 BTC to another person B, afterwards. From ...
André Kuhlmann's user avatar
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Can we determine which one of the referenced outputs corresponds to a cashback transaction in BTC transaction scripts?

let me quickly elaborate the question. The structure of a BTC transaction script looks somewhat like the following example "...
user101893's user avatar
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Why do some addresses seem to send bitcoin to themselves?

When looking at block 630873, I noticed that some addresses seem to send BTC to themselves: Am I misunderstanding the situation, or does 1A7tWftaGHohhGcJMVkkm4zAYnF53KjRnU send large sums of BTC to ...
zabop's user avatar
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Where is the change from the output stored in?

I'm learning that Bitcoin doesn't have a way to represent the account balance, but it's, rather, a sum of UTXO owned by the users of the private key. Then where is the change from the output stored? ...
Kevvv's user avatar
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Verify Receive and Change Addresses

I run a coldcard with Electrum and Electrum-Personal-Server. As I understand it, we use hardware wallets because we don't trust our laptops. However, I've only been able to verify the sending ...
McMurdo's user avatar
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Cannot sign txn with change address using bitcoinjs-lib psbt

I am having a difficult time figuring out how to sign a spend from a change address. I get Error: cannot sign for this input with the key <value>. The initial transaction works fine, where I ...
GViz's user avatar
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Does bitcoin qt need to synch before I can spend my change?

Sorry for the follow up question... i was trying to transfer my btc to a new wallet (believing the original one had been compromised). I sent 2 tiny test transfers of $1 then when they arrived in the ...
Bitcoin poor's user avatar
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Privacy: How should I handle UTXO's?

We know that, for security and anonymity, we shouldn't reuse addresses. Also, there is the idea of change avoidance to protect ourselves from any number of change detection heuristics. But I find ...
bitsmack's user avatar
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Is a bitcoin UTXO divisible?

In this video Andreas Antonopolous says an output is indivisible and therefore if a transaction smaller than the output is done, the rest is used as change and returned to your different address of ...
ParmuTownley's user avatar
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How does Internal Keychain exactly work?

I understand that an internal keychain is used to receive a change of payment when I pay someone. For example, I pay $20, but it costs $17, so I get $3. But what I don't understand is how can there ...
Carol Ward's user avatar
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Why is there sometimes no output that sends funds back to the sender's address?

'A' has one bitcoin. 'A' tries to send a 0.5 bit coin to 'B'. Two utxo are created. First, "utxo" sends "B" 0.5 bitcoin. Second, "utxo" where "A" remits remaining bitcoins to "A" except for 0.5 ...
ASH's user avatar
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wallet that does not abstract change addresses?

I wanted a hands on approach to see change adresses myself instead of hiding away all the details. I also want to see non-deterministic wallets just for education so that I can understand. When we ...
Mini kute's user avatar
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Get back my change [closed]

Please help. I was new to thew blockchain and did not know about getting change back. when the address to give me my change showed up on my Ledger nano wallet I hit the x instead of the check mark. I ...
Paulmac61's user avatar
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My bitcoin change [duplicate]

I am new to this.I have sent out bitcoin over the blockchain before and saw that the hash just took a fee. However the other day it took out over.95 of a bitcoin when wanting to only send 0.04 of a ...
Paulmac61's user avatar
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May it be a risk to use the origin as the change address?

Follow scenario: The balance of my origin address is 1 BTC. I'm transfering 0.1 BTC to a shop where I'm buying some goods, my wallet returns the change to my origin address. Now my origin address has ...
Andreas Winter's user avatar
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Bitcoin core wallet - got 0 balance after transaction [duplicate]

I did a test lightning transaction by sending 0.00001 btc to some exchange with using bitcoin core 0.16 (downloaded from and installed to dedicated pc) and... it took the rest balance of ...
Ariloum's user avatar
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Determine which transaction output is a change address and which is not [duplicate]

Is there a way to determine which transaction output is a likely a change address and which is not? Looking at this transaction, there are two outputs - a change address and the output address. ...
Gabriel Bauman's user avatar
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BIP44 and change addresses

I always wondered why BIP44 HD wallet differentiate between internal change addresses (m/44'/0'/0'/1/*) and external receiving (m/44'/0'/0'/0/*)? Why do some wallets advice me not using internal ...
jakob's user avatar
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Tamper - evident log with hash pointer

We know that the hash of the previous block is included in the header of the next block. So, if an adversary change the data in the block no. 10, then they hash of it will be changed and the header of ...
SayyedAli's user avatar
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What's with this address 1111111111111111111114oLvT2?

It was the burn address with the most BTC received in 2017 according to It's Hash160 is ...
Bitcoin WhosWho's user avatar
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how to get change address using derived BIP44 publicKey?

I have generated a private key using my master seed private key. PHP Code: $bip44 = HierarchicalKeyFactory::fromExtended($result['masterPrivKey']); $publicKey = $bip44->derivePath("m/44'/0'/0'")...
Tailer's user avatar
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