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3 votes
1 answer

Did Satoshi invent UTXOs?

Did Satoshi invent the UTXO model (the concept of "unspent transaction outputs" that are spent fully when invoked, leaving new UTXOs and "change"), or was the UTXO model based on ...
Maximillian Laumeister's user avatar
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I somehow sent a transaction to my own wallet address

I wanted to make a transaction to a vendor but somehow I made it to my own address? It is yellow color and I put very very low fee. It is unconfirmed yet because of the fees. Should I just increase ...
LexLer's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How is the UTXOs of each partially-spent TxIn determined?

My current understanding of a transaction is as follows: a transaction (Tx) can have multiple inputs (which are previous unspent transactions = UTXOs), let's call them the TxIn a Tx can have multiple ...
Jean Monet's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

Why is there "Change" in Bitcoins?

I have read about a change address and wondered why there even is the concept of change? Let's say I received 1 BTC from some person A and I want to send 0.4 BTC to another person B, afterwards. From ...
André Kuhlmann's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can we determine which one of the referenced outputs corresponds to a cashback transaction in BTC transaction scripts?

let me quickly elaborate the question. The structure of a BTC transaction script looks somewhat like the following example "...
user101893's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Privacy: How should I handle UTXO's?

We know that, for security and anonymity, we shouldn't reuse addresses. Also, there is the idea of change avoidance to protect ourselves from any number of change detection heuristics. But I find ...
bitsmack's user avatar
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Is a bitcoin UTXO divisible?

In this video Andreas Antonopolous says an output is indivisible and therefore if a transaction smaller than the output is done, the rest is used as change and returned to your different address of ...
ParmuTownley's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Why is there sometimes no output that sends funds back to the sender's address?

'A' has one bitcoin. 'A' tries to send a 0.5 bit coin to 'B'. Two utxo are created. First, "utxo" sends "B" 0.5 bitcoin. Second, "utxo" where "A" remits remaining bitcoins to "A" except for 0.5 ...
ASH's user avatar
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1 answer

Why do transactions send coins to the same address as they spent it from?

I often notice transactions such as: 364efe5a906de5971e242f9711008e58a5ab79f136a8044b66615e8662d35f09 Where funds from the address 3PU with 1.38 BTC are split to itself (1.35 BTC) and 37Ek (0....
nowox's user avatar
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1 answer

UTXO all sent to change address?

I have read this question that asks if all UTXOs in an address are sent to a change address or only the UTXO involved in the transaction. As part of a spending transaction, the public address is ...
Gradient's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to return change (utxo - inputs) to output address?

I've been learning to create bitcoin transactions for 3 weeks now, but keep paying the entire unspent_outputs - inputs as fees, even if the transacted amount was like 1/100 th of the outputs. How do I ...
sl0vaj's user avatar
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