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Questions tagged [bitcoinjs]

BitcoinJS (bitcoinjs-lib) is JavaScript Bitcoin library.

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Broadcast Error RPC error: {"code":-26,"message":"non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Invalid Schnorr signature)"}

While broadcasting raw transaction has to chain, got the below error RPC error: {"code":-26,"message":"non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Invalid Schnorr signature)"} but ...
Harsha's user avatar
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How to sign a message with privateKey on Bitcoin using TS/JS?

I'm trying to sign the message to UniSat to this endpoint Bind btcAddress and nftAddress. Using code like: import * as bitcoin from 'bitcoinjs-lib'; import * as ecc from 'tiny-secp256k1'; import * as ...
dill's user avatar
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1 answer

Monitor multiple p2wpkh addresses

I'm actually making a crypto deposit gateway, I succeed to create multiple public addresses with derivationPath using bitcoinjs-lib, But the thing is I'd like to know what is the best way to monitor ...
Outlawz Molotov's user avatar
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Is it ok to use bitcoin-lib.js from for production?

There's a bitcoin-lib.js at website, but from the code it is not clear which version is it? Master-branch? Stable?
qpaycm's user avatar
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Getting error for transferring BTC using node js code, getting error "No inputs were signed"

I am creating a system where users will raise a request to transfer them some BTC, in my code i am using all the previous utxos of my wallet to transfer BTC, even i am signing all the utxos still i am ...
Arun Lohia's user avatar
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What is exactly Randstorm vulnerability?

I've read the article from Unciphered about it, multiple times, and still fail to understand it It basically says that wallets generated by BitcoinJs front end library from 2011 to 2015 are vulnerable ...
Maltoon Yezi's user avatar
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Error: Cannot sign for this input with the key in BitcoinJS transaction

I'm trying to create and sign a Bitcoin transaction using BitcoinJS on the testnet. However, I'm encountering an error when trying to sign the transaction: Error: Can not sign for this input with the ...
Dobrovolsky Maxim's user avatar
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modified Hash Time Locked Contracts

I'm currently working on implementing a modified version of Hash Time Locked Contracts (HTLC) in Bitcoin and would greatly appreciate any guidance or best practices from the community. Objective: I ...
Nerses Asaturyan's user avatar
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I have a question regarding the retrieval of transaction parameters, specifically LOCK_TIME and witnessScript, for a P2WSH transaction I created. Below is the relevant code snippet for generating the ...
Dani69654's user avatar
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how to get vsize before psbt finalized

I am using bitcoinjs-lib to construct a transaction through PSBT, but I am having difficulty obtaining the virtual size (vsize). My process is as follows: Obtain the user's address through the ...
user151983's user avatar
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how to calclate the fee of a segwit transaction? [duplicate]

I am using bitcoin-js to construct a PSBT transaction. Suppose address A has 10 UTXOs, each containing 0.0001 BTC. Now I want to construct a transaction to send 0.0005 BTC to address B. If I use 5 of ...
user151983's user avatar
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broadcast ps2wsh transaction failed

Greeting, I hope someone can guide me about what is wrong with my p2wsh transaction hex below ...
ron s's user avatar
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bitcoinjs - mandatory-script-verify-flag-failed (Signature must be zero for failed CHECK(MULTI)SIG operation)

I'm trying to follow the below transaction example by magic eden and extend it to support multiple buyers and seller (in red). However I am having difficulties when I add more than one signature from ...
psbt_trustless_tx's user avatar
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How to use BlockCypher's test network with BitcoinJS-lib?

Trying to make a PSBT via BitcoinJS-lib. I'm using BlockCypher's internal testnet (bcy/test) because I have no choice: literally every other testnet faucet I tested was broken. Using BlockCypher's API ...
1owk3y's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Transaction sending failed (No script found for input #0)

I tried to make a simple btc transfer but i got this error: No script found for input #0. What did i miss? const bitcoin = require("bitcoinjs-lib"); const ECPairFactory = require("...
István Tóth's user avatar
3 votes
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Mnemonic from Node.js app not restoring in other wallets

I'm working on a Node.js app that makes RPC calls to my node, and I'm having trouble restoring a mnemonic created with bitcoinjs-lib, bip32, and bip39. First, I create a blank wallet that accepts ...
Cannabijoy's user avatar
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non-mandatory-script-verify-flag (Invalid Schnorr signature) when trying to reveal a TR output

I'm building a Bitcoin wallet, and I'm trying to spend a Taproot output via a script spend path, but I keep running into this "Invalid Schnorr signature" error from my RPC node: { "...
Sherwin Li's user avatar
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Estimating virtual bytes of a transaction seems circular

I'm sorry if this has been answered before, but I haven't found anyone really bring this up. I am trying to construct a PSBT, which assumes a fixed feerate and a fixed amount to send to some address. ...
Sherwin Li's user avatar
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"Witness program hash mismatch" code -26 when broadcasting a transaction

I'm trying to broadcast a transaction to my RPC provider: curl https://my-quicknode-rpc-provider/ \ -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ --data '{"method": &...
Sherwin Li's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting Error while trying to decode psbt base64 to json using bitcoinjs/bip174 library

const base64PSBT = 'base_64'; // Decode the base64 PSBT to a Buffer const psbtBuffer = Buffer.from(base64PSBT, 'base64'); // Parse the PSBT const psbt = bip174.Psbt.fromBuffer(psbtBuffer); // ...
soumyadeep.eth's user avatar
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Redeem script for input #0 doesn't match the scriptPubKey in the prevout

I'm trying to create a new bitcoin transaction using bitcoinjs-lib. Here is my transaction. { "weight" : 661, "txid" : "...
Berry Blue's user avatar
3 votes
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How to build a transaction using bitcoinjs-lib

I'm trying to build a transaction using bitcoinjs-lib. Here is my last transaction. { "weight&...
Berry Blue's user avatar
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Why is this Ordinals transaction I sent wrong, can anyone help me?

let content_type = "text/plain;charset=utf-8"; let body = Buffer.from("000"); const inscription = { body, content_type, }; const network = bitcoin....
lari fa's user avatar
1 vote
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Webpack issue with tiny-secp256k1 and ECPair

I am developing a browser extension using Webpack v5 and incorporating the bitcoinjs-lib and ecpair libraries to create a Bitcoin wallet. However, I am encountering an error when attempting to load ...
Vaibhav Patel's user avatar
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bitcoin.Psbt doesn't auto-display its method/properties in Visual Studio Code

When instantiating a new Psbt in my Visual Studio Code like below: const psbt = new bitcoin.Psbt() The variable psbt doesn't auto display any of its methods/properties after I add the . right after ...
jiamijiang's user avatar
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Is there such a bip32 function?

I have this code: const bip32 = utils.BIP32Factory(utils.ecc) const mnemonic = utils.bip39.generateMnemonic(256); const seed = utils.bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic); const masterNode = bip32....
AlexCav's user avatar
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bitcoinjs-lib is installed but cannot use its functions

I've installed the latest version of bitcoinjs-lib but I cannot use the functions of the library. const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib'); const keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.makeRandom(); const { address ...
Tornike Tskhvediani's user avatar
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1 answer

testnet output address has no matching Script?

Here is my code to create a PSBT on the testnet: const bitcoin = require("bitcoinjs-lib") const privKey1 = "..." const address1 = "mkVPHMR5euGTcvpFj6tfyVERstDdH4RtQs" ...
jiamijiang's user avatar
1 vote
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problem sending relative locktime (OP_CSV) transaction

i tried making a relative timelocked transaction with 1 block timelock (spendable after 1 confirmation) funding tx: 0fda5412da2a2615361914fad007aac73154746108d44c04529e78f6c4424655 address: ...
Antoni's user avatar
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How to secure exchange hot wallet keys

Am currently working on an exchange, am building the hot wallet using bitcoinjs-lib. I generate my wallet pub /sec keys and addresses using this library (I don't want to use wallet.dat file). Now is ...
Chisom Maxwell's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to read the balance on a wallet address [closed]

So, first of all i will be creating these wallet addresses on my end using below code: const diviMainnet = { messagePrefix: '\x19Divi Signed Message:\n', ...
Moblize IT's user avatar
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Error validating transaction ... Script was NOT verified successfully

I'm getting this error below when trying to broadcast a transaction with the code below. I'm new to blockchain development and I've been trying to solve this but can't seem to figure it out. I believe ...
helpme123's user avatar
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In bip32-utils for bitcoinjs, node.getAddress is not a function

I am trying to run the example code in the bip32-utils taken here ( of: const bip39 = require('bip39') const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib') const ...
jiamijiang's user avatar
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2 answers

Storing entire seed from bip39 mnemonic using WIF

I'm using the bitcoinjs collection of libraries, specifically, and with nodejs. I have a mnemonic ...
Infinite Recursion's user avatar
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Missing Witness field in p2wpkh decoded tx hex

I have placed together a raw tx hex but when it's unable to be broadcasted as I keep getting an error below sendrawtransaction RPC error: {"code":-25,"message":"bad-txns-...
jiamijiang's user avatar
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What are some different ways to retrieve btc transaction information of an address using bitcoinjs?

What are some different ways to retrieve btc transaction information of an address using bitcoinjs? I've tried using the syntax from this page (
jiamijiang's user avatar
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Need help with (Script failed an OP_EQUALVERIFY operation)

This is a repost of a question which i posted directly on the repository of bitcoinjs-lib, which you can see here I'm getting the following error when trying to push transactions: Err: ...
JakGuru's user avatar
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How to get raw tx in hex format by not fetching API from provider?

I've looking for some solution to encode raw transaction in hex format by programmatically without fetching data from any blockchain provider. Are there any way to do this?
Vintage Beef's user avatar
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Can we sign a psbt raw tx having multiple inputs created from BTC node with bitcoinjs lib?

Due to secruity reasons, unavailablity of private keys on my end and as per project requirements I need to build back end apis where I will provide a PSBT raw transaction hex (having multiple inputs) ...
Surinder kumar's user avatar
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How can I use PSBT in a JavaScript project?

I am trying to use PSBT in a Bitcoin project. The idea is to generate keys and sign transactions client-side. I am already familiar with bitcoinjs-lib but I find the API rather complicated. It would ...
Mario Mazzola's user avatar
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How to use Digital Signature to Sign Unsigned Transaction?

so I was trying to sign my unsigned transaction: ...
coder123's user avatar
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How to verify the compressed signature in Bitcoin? It is 138 long in hex

I am using the bicoinjs-message npm module for signature verification. I learned that there are few signatures which are of length 138 in hexadecimal. When I tried to verify such a signature it is ...
Shubham Chadokar's user avatar
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How to fetch all UTXO from a SPV wallet using bitcoin-filter.js (or other lib)?

I am using bitcoinjs-lib to create private key (WIF), addresses and sign the transactions. I would like to fetch all transactions (UTXOs) associated with a wallet. I found these libs: bitcoin-filter ...
le0's user avatar
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How to calculate fee in BitcoinJS raw transaction?

I have a transaction with 3 inputs and 2 outputs. 1output is the recipient and the other output is change address. How should I calculate the fee and apply it to output?
Amirhosein Rajabi's user avatar
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Bitcoinjs-lib how to add multiple utxos in addInput

Hi i want to make transactions of bitcoin bech32 addresses using bitcoinjs-lib , here is my code below, it works fine when my address has only one utxos but when it increases to two or more as its ...
Hamza Yasin's user avatar
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How to do tx.addInput without tx_hash if sending from address for the first time?

Iam using the bitcoinjs-lib library and trying to do a transaction. Iam doing the tx.addInput method before building but running into a build issue. I assume an error is thrown if ...
jwjop1's user avatar
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3 answers

How do you switch your bitcoinjs integrationfrom TransactionBuilder to transactions-psbt.js?

the code below works: const btc = require('bitcoinjs-lib'); var tx = new btc.TransactionBuilder(net); inputs.forEach(o => tx.addInput(o.txId, o.vout)); outputs.forEach(o => tx.addOutput(o....
ekkis's user avatar
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How to get BTC transfer amount from raw tx using bitcoinjs

Suppose I have following object console.log(bitcoinjs.Transaction.fromHex(rawTx)); The output Transaction { version: 2, locktime: 1655960, ins: [ { hash: <Buffer dc 4d aa 10 db ...
Michael Khoroshun's user avatar
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Tracking incoming transactions using nodejs and own node

I need to verify that user from my database has sent btc to my wallet. Ideally I want to generate a unique address for each user transaction and then track all those addresses but I suppose it will ...
idknabit's user avatar
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Cannot sign txn with change address using bitcoinjs-lib psbt

I am having a difficult time figuring out how to sign a spend from a change address. I get Error: cannot sign for this input with the key <value>. The initial transaction works fine, where I ...
GViz's user avatar
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