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2 votes
1 answer

Is there any Bitcoin layer (eg. Bitcoin = L1, Lightning = L2, etc.) on which the satoshi (SAT) is divisible?

I would be surprised if the SAT were divisible on L1... is it? I would be surprised if the SAT were not divisible on it? If the SAT is divisible anywhere, then to what decimal place? Is the ...
JDOaktown's user avatar
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9 votes
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What makes millisatoshi real?

In the Lightning Network, it's possible to pay in units a thousandth of a satoshi, a millisatoshi. But you can't redeem them directly on the main chain when closing a channel, it will be subject to a ...
Osias Jota's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

What is a millisatoshi? I thought satoshi is the smallest unit?

I encountered 'millisatoshi' (msat) while browsing Lightning Network..., see screenshoot below: And subsequently I found it mentioned here:
Rosdi Kasim's user avatar