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18 votes
3 answers

Looking for nonces of even numbers

Each one of bitcoin and its derived crypto-currencies has a nonce value in the block, no matter what the algorithm is. Every miner tries to search for a luck nonce which can make the hash value ...
jclin's user avatar
  • 450
4 votes
2 answers

What is the relationship between hash rate and accepted shares?

Specifically this question is about Litecoin, but I suspect the answer would apply to both. Say you have a rig mining at 700Kh/s (LTC). It seems that you get, more or less, a one or a few accepted ...
John's user avatar
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What does nonce mean?

I'm trying to learn how litecoins work (and learn new programming language at same time by writing a crappy little miner). I'm stuck with getdata. Here it says that ...
if __name__ is None's user avatar