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Questions tagged [rootstock]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How can there be block mining rewards in Rootstock?

I'm trying to understand Rootstock a little better, and am still not sure about the mining rewards they mention in their white paper: RSK uses the DECOR+ block reward sharing scheme to reduce ...
kbron's user avatar
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Which merged mining method is preferable? What is the latest specification/practice?

If I'm right, there are at least two methods for miners to include a reference hash to a merge mined block in the coinbase transaction: Commitment hash in an OP_RETURN out put in the coinbase ...
Lee's user avatar
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OmniLayer vs. Rootstock

How do OmniLayer and Rootstock compare in their relation to the bitcoin Blockchain? Can they coexist within applications potentially built on top of the bitcoin Blockchain, etc..
NLte's user avatar
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