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Were anyone-can-spend transactions valid before SegWit?

Non-segwit nodes (legacy nodes) see segwit transactions as anyone-can-spend (ACS) transactions. It is clear that such a nodes can (and do) validate blocks containing ACS transactions, because the ...
user922921's user avatar
-6 votes
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Could miners possibly steal SegWit transactions on The Real Bitcoin? [closed]

Going to be lolz epic when all the SegWit transactions are double-spent, i.e. stolen by miners on The Real Bitcoin (the legacy Satoshi blockchain). Can anyone offer any refutation, confirmation, or ...
Shelby Moore III's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Segregated witness soft fork: how is the funding Tx made "ANYONECANSPEND"

Reading the BIP: I see that the scriptPubKey in a transaction that funds a segwit redemption is the same as a normal P2PKH but merely ...
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