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How can I set up DogeCoin wallet on Ubuntu? [closed]

I just newly introduced with Dogecoins, how can I set up wallet to store Dogecoins on my Ubuntu machine? I have tried lots of references but I cant get simple way. May I know how can mine Dogecoins ...
codeBYmahesh's user avatar
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What compatibility issues might be expected when using the MegaCoin wallet on Wine? [closed]

Installing a wallet under linux is sometimes difficult without an up-to-date tutorial for users who are not familiar with linux. I found that it is pretty easy to install wine on Ubuntu 12.04.4 ...
gotqn's user avatar
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Dogecoin wallet console use full commands? [duplicate]

I am looking for a list with Dogecoin wallet commands that I can run into linux terminal. The interface seems useful, my pretty basic. For example, how can I check which is my wallet version? This ...
gotqn's user avatar
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