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Questions about Bitcoin in the context of the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

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Unable to use external SSD for Bitcoin datadir in Ubuntu

I'm learning about how to run a Bitcoin full node. I have started tinkering with it on Windows, and have put the data directory in an external SSD drive I got specifically for storing the entire ...
desolate_mountain's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I go about "searching your distribution's package database for the missing files" to get the GUI working for Ubuntu Linux?

In the Bitcoin Core instructions, it says that to use the GUI, you have to execute bitcoin-qt. It gives this explanation for a potential obstacle: If all the required libraries are installed, Bitcoin ...
CoinZwischenzug's user avatar
1 vote
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Which package should I be downloading for my Linux Ubuntu computer, 64 os?

So there are linux (tgz) ARM linux RISC-V linux PPC64 linux But I've got no idea what the differences are, aside from a guess that ARM Linux is meant to be run from lower-level-heavy Linux versions. ...
CoinZwischenzug's user avatar
2 votes
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Which version of Bitcoin Core do I need for a Dell laptop with Ubuntu?

I am not technically proficient but I want to download Bitcoin Core on my Dell laptop with Ubuntu. I have a new external drive and want to download a (pruned) BTC node for use in conjunction with ...
Sam Sam's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Blockchain sync seems to be stuck in a loop?

SOLVED! UPDATE: The issue was not bitcoin related. I had to increase the root partition of ubuntu, as it wasn't using the full SSD size I had, but only 100 GB and the sync therefore ran out of space ...
codepleb's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Build bitcoin-qt.exe on ubuntu 18.4

0.8.1 version and when i compile this version but successfully compiled but now i want to generate the window executable file(.exe) from bitcoin-0.8.1 version. so latest version and older bitcoin-0.8....
NotRin's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Errors while verifying public keys in pgp (bitcoin core 26 / ubuntu 22.04)

Following the official how-to (step #6) and trying to verify bitcoin-26.0 release signature, I'm unable to import any of the builder keys I download. For example on gpg --import achow101.gpg, I get ...
PatrikRoy's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Build phase fails with undefined reference to `evhttp_uridecode`

I try to build Bitcoin Core on my Ubuntu 23.10 machine using the "Build Unix" documentation page but it fails with undefined reference to evhttp_uridecode. Here are the details: I started by ...
Hassen's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Wallet transaction not confirming in blocksonly mode

I sent transaction with bitcoin-cli: bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress tb1q3qlv7k648hec866a0x395hq0h3sqcg2lrq5r0k 0.001 As an answer I've got transaction Id. But it still has no confirmation (a few hours). ...
Nikolai Kushpela's user avatar
1 vote
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Snap Install Bitcoin Core on WSL Ubuntu 22 doesn't add binaries to PATH

I'm trying to install bitcoin-core on my WSL Ubuntu 22. I've already snap-installed bitcoin core on my bare bone Ubuntu 22 and once completed it adds to the path the binaries bitcoin-core.{cli,daemon},...
GabrioT's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the best way to restart bitcoind after a bitcoin.conf change (Ubuntu 23.10)

I'm curious about the recommended way to restart a systemd service after a configuration change or if there is any particular issue with running sudo service bitcoin restart to have the config change ...
Nicholas Sandomeno's user avatar
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Bitcoin Core Unbuntu Custom Data Directory Does not Navigate to Secondary Internal Hard Drive

I have a laptop computer with 2 solid state internal 1000 GB hard drives. I have the operating system installed on drive 1 and I have the secondary drive formatted (ext4 file system), partitioned and ...
Valdy's user avatar
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1 answer

Bitcoind.service can't start on mounted drive

I'm a developer and I try to install bitcoin-core 25.0 on ubuntu 22.04 on a mounted drive; as long as I run the command bitcoind -daemon as a root, everything is fine and I'm able to write some blocks ...
Ndou'ou Ba Ndoum's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How to gpg verify my bitcoin core download step by step on ubuntu server?

I am a newbie when it comes to setting up a bitcoin node but I am trying to gpg verify my bitcoin core download the pub keys to do so are no longer available. I have tried doing my own research but I ...
DJ_Splash's user avatar
0 votes
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How long does it normally take to set up a test node? How much of your disk is utilized?

I did a complete factory reset on my computer and simply started over. I have a Aorus 5SE with windows 11. I am using VirtualBox 7.0.6 and Ubuntu 20.04. My new virtual machine has 4GB of base memory, ...
CullerWhale's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Configuring electrum wallet with command line only

I successfully installed electrum on an ubuntu server using the first ref from google search. But how I can configure it without GUI I didn't find.
geronimo's user avatar
2 votes
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bitcoind 23.0 crashed mysteriously after 2 hours, what do I do next?

My new bitcoin node ran for about two hours and then crashed for no apparent reason. What do I do next to debug or fix the problem? This is my first time running a bitcoin node. I have lots of ...
Epictitus's user avatar
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Command lnd not found even after installing lnd

I tried installing lnd using the commands shown in the installation guide. I used these commands: git clone cd lnd make install but when I try running the lnd ...
AidenFive's user avatar
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My Bitcoin-QT directories are empty? (Ubuntu)

According to Bitcoin-QT (I am using the snap store version) my Datadir is /home/(username)/snap/bitcoin-core/common/.bitcoin and my Blocksdir is home/(username)/snap/bitcoin-core/common/.bitcoin/...
Thanks's user avatar
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How to compile and conduct functional tests of Bitcoin core for CPU (32 bit) and memory constrained system?

I wanted to use my old laptop to run a bitcoin full node. Specifications: Processor: Intel Core2Duo @2.2 GHz i686 OS: Lubuntu 18.04.6 LTS (I have tried first on Lubuntu 16.04, but it failed due to ...
Manapy's user avatar
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1 answer

Building Bitcoin Core on Linux/Ubuntu with Visual Studio Code

Does anyone developing Bitcoin Core use VSCode for compilation and debugging on Linux/Ubuntu? How can one configure VSCode to compile Bitcoin Core?
user107511's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu Linux, Unable to set bitcoin datadir to a folder in different drive

I am trying to run a bitcoin node. I want to set the datadir to a folder located on drive other than on which I have installed ubuntu. Folder I want to set as datadir: /media/spider/Utils/bitcoin ...
Asad Hayat's user avatar
2 votes
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bitcoind no such file or directory when trying to execute on Ubuntu for Raspberry Pi 4

Trying to install and run Bitcoin Core Daemon on a Raspberry Pi 4 8GB w/ Ubuntu Server and unable to execute bitcoind. Below are the exact steps I am taking: Use Raspberry Pi imager to flash the ...
Blake Rivell's user avatar
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How do you generate a qr code for a new address and check for incoming payments from the command line?

Which one do you recommend for this Command line to generate QR-Code + address for requesting money Command line to check if the above has been received I don't want to install too many versions of ...
Bitcoin Digger's user avatar
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Compiling Bitcoin Core v0.10.0 on Ubuntu 20.04

I'm trying to compile Bitcoin Core v0.10.0 on Ubuntu 20.04, but then I get the following error: rpcserver.cpp: In function ‘void StartRPCThreads()’: rpcserver.cpp:594:77: error: no matching function ...
Id_brain's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Failed to start bitcoin daemon using Ubuntu 20.04

Hey I keep getting this error everytime I run sudo systemctl enable --now bitcoind Job for bitcoind.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status ...
blainerb4's user avatar
3 votes
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Cannot connect to slushpool with bfgminer

I am a complete newbie and just want to see how mining works in principle. No profit required. I have created an account on slushpool and have username and password. Then I go to my Ubuntu machine (a ...
Dims's user avatar
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Problem with the first Initialization of my LN node, dial tcp my-external-ip:9735: connect: connection timed out

Background I was following 402 Payment Required's LN video and everything was good until the moment of the first Initialization of my LN node. I got an error: dial tcp my-external-ip:9735: connect: ...
scott.carter.2020's user avatar
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2 answers

Installation instrucion the for bitcoin core (tar.gz file from in Linux/Ubuntu Desktop 18.04.)

There are many discussions going on as there is a lack of a simple tutorial as to how to install Bitcoin Core (GUI) on Linux distributions, i.e Ubuntu 18.04. offers the tar.gz file (i.e. ...
Greg's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to upgrade Bitcoin Core from 0.18 to 0.20 on Ubuntu 18.04?

I've installed Bitcoin Core on Ubuntu 18.04 (CLI). Now, the version 0.20 of Bitcoin Core is released and I want to upgrade my server to it, but it seems the new version is not included in PPA yet. May ...
Mohammad Saberi's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I connect to the Electrs index?

Goal: My goal is to be able to have my own local blockchain indexed so I can perform searches based on public keys. Blockchain: wget
oshirowanen's user avatar
0 votes
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Why is there currently no bitcoin package in Debian?

Why is the bitcoin package currently not in Debian? And how to help get it back in there? It'd make it a lot easier for more people to run a full node with this.
furunodo's user avatar
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Cannot cross-compile for Windows from Ubuntu 18.04

I have been at this for ages now and I am unable to cross-compile Bitcoin-Core 0.19.1 on my Ubuntu 18.04 machine (not a VM). I follow these exact instructions: sudo apt install build-essential ...
Jdawg287's user avatar
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I tried installing Bitcoin on a Ubuntu 18.4 server. The status of the Block is still in 0 even after two days of installation

I tried installing Bitcoin on a Ubuntu 18.4 server. After installing the Bitcoin core, I started Bitcoin-diamond. The status of the Block is still in 0 even after two days of installation. I want to ...
Trasher Travis's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Configure esplora to point to the bitcoind servers ip address - Part 3

Continuing on from this post: Configure esplora to point to the bitcoind servers ip address - Part 2 Trying to run cargo run --release --bin electrs -- -vvv --daemon-dir ~/.bitcoin, but it kept ...
oshirowanen's user avatar
0 votes
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Configure esplora to point to the bitcoind servers ip address - Part 2

Continuing on from this post: Configure esplora to point to the bitcoind servers ip address Trying to run cargo run --release --bin electrs -- -vvv --daemon-dir ~/.bitcoin, but it kept saying that ...
oshirowanen's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to resolve Bitcoin Daemon Warning of last 100 blocks have unexpected version message?

When I run my bitcoin daemon on ubuntu I get the follow warning message. How do I resolve this? And I just pruned my blockchain to 5gb if that affects anything. progress=1.000000 cache=40.4MiB(...
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Launch bitcoind at startup on Ubuntu

I have bitcoind installed on my VPS runing Ubuntu 18.04, and I want to configure it to launch bitcoind on startup. What the best way to do so with my configuration ?
Daveeee's user avatar
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8 votes
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Configure esplora to point to the bitcoind servers ip address

I have 2 servers running: Ubuntu 18.04 running bitcoind daemon (v0.18.1 full blockchain synchronized) Ubuntu 18.04 running esplora (the local single page website works, but it has no data from the ...
oshirowanen's user avatar
1 vote
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Automatically restarting bitcoind five minutes after reboot on ubuntu

How can I run bitcoind automatically five minutes after restart? So far I have crontab set up to reboot my computer every morning at 4AM (it runs into issues when it stays on for more than a couple ...
Marty's user avatar
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2 answers

oclvanitygen not compiling

I am trying to compile oclvanitygen because I have an Nvidia GTX 1080 that would most likely be helpful for this. I'm using the Windows Subsystem for Linux with Ubuntu 18.04. I tried this command: ...
Yoshi24517's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to move only "blocks" and "chainstate" folders on an external USB hard-drive while running Bitcoin Client on connected laptop with Ubuntu?

I have experience with secure-copy and secure-download but how do I move only the Bitcoin Client "blocks" and "chainstate" folders within the home directory of Ubuntu 18.04 to an external USB hard-...
alexanderjsingleton's user avatar
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Installation of Bitcoin Core 0.18.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.2 error

I used "sudo snap install bitcoin-core" and it appeared to install fine except I get the error: "Failed to launch 'Bitcoin Core' Desktop file didn't specify Exec Field." Did I do something wrong? ...
rghollenbeck's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can't reach remote bitcoin rpc server

I got vps with ubuntu 18.04 with ssh access and bitoind set up on it. This is my bitcoin.conf file: testnet=1 prune=35840 maxconnections=12 muxuploadtarget=20 daemon=1 server=1 rpcclienttimeout=5000 ...
ruhtren's user avatar
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How to Bitcoin Core daemon start automatically each time your reboot your computer.?

In the official document of, they ask to use an init script instead of cron job, see the init scripts directory in Bitcoin Core’s source tree. But the link is not working Bitcoin Core’s ...
Lalit Mohan's user avatar
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bitcoin-qt and ubuntu 18.10

bitcoin-qt worked well on Ubuntu 18.04, after the upgrade to 18.10 it won't start anymore. Can't find any hints in log-files. Help appreciated! kr Heinz
Heinz's user avatar
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BitcoinCore Ubuntu buiild error: ‘relative’ is not a member of ‘fs’

I'm trying to build Bitcoin core client on an LinuxMint. I'm having the following error(which have not encountered before, while making it on MSWindows or another Linux machine) in make process, right ...
behkod's user avatar
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1 answer

free up space by deleting blocks

I've run into an issue where a bitcoin partition reached 100%. I created a new partition and try to move the whole Bitcoin directory over, but I seem to be handicapped by "no space left on device" ...
Sonic Soul's user avatar
2 votes
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Issue on configuring the bitcoin core build on Ubuntu-18.0.4

I am trying to configure the bitcoin core build , as I use make , I received the following issue . ~/Desktop/bitcoin$ make Making all in src make[1]: Entering directory '/home/fu/Desktop/bitcoin/src'...
Fu Liang's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Bitcoin regtest mining

I wonder if I can do mining with Bitcoin-0.16.1 in regtest mode, just for simulating mainnet situation where there are new blocks coming in constantly. I am aware that I can use generate to generate ...
3tbraden's user avatar
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