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Questions tagged [source-code]

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What is wrong with this JSON-RPC? (via

The subscribe message works. But the authorization does not. I was wondering why I cannot get this to work. The expected outcome is to have a miner that is logged in and has no errors in authorization,...
Anthony Pulse's user avatar
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2 answers

Are crypto servers updated with code in transactions?

If the code used to run your crypto coin node needs updating, how is it done? Is the code sent as a patch as a transaction? Does the node code know how to receive and apply this patch? Or does ...
Jiminion's user avatar
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Issue listing regtest wallets

Questions: Should it be assumed if you're testing with bitcoincore you should always have a separate datadir per version/bin? Based on weirdness below, (not being able to list regtest wallets), does ...
Michael Tidwell's user avatar
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What is CCoinsCacheEntry in the Bitcoin Core?

CCoinsCacheEntry is implemented here. /** * A Coin in one level of the coins database caching hierarchy. * * A coin can either be: * - unspent or spent (in which case the Coin object will be ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
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Early version of bitcoin and poker

How can we locate the code for an online poker game in version 0.1.0 of Bitcoin, which multiple articles on the internet claim was included by Satoshi Nakamoto? Furthermore, how can we verify that ...
Saxtheowl's user avatar
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ThreadOpenConnections and break versus continue: why the one versus the other?

In the inner loop of ThreadOpenConnections() in net.cpp sometimes there is a break to the outer loop and sometimes a continue. This is my understanding of the decision between break and continue in ...
codo's user avatar
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Why does the bitcoin client send transaction's txid and wtxid in 'inv' process?

I'm reading the source code of Bitcoin Core, and I found that in the inv process, nodes will relay both txid and wtxid to other peer nodes. I have the following questions: Why does the node send ...
noob's user avatar
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What is the backup plan for the social organization surrounding Core development?

The question of GitHub alternatives has been raised and closed. Alternative, backup repos exist. That said, I have not seen any contingencies for planning the social move to those repos and organizing ...
jarctu's user avatar
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Why Bitcoin Core source code use #include bracket syntax instead of quote syntax

Why Bitcoin Core source code use #include <rpc/wallet.h> bracket syntax instead of #include "rpc/wallet.h" quote syntax. Can intellisense C++ editors understand this option and not ...
Bitcoin_1o1's user avatar
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How can I configure Vim to work with bitcoin core C++ source code and have Intellisense like functionality?

I use Vim for editing, I installed Conquer Of Completion (COC) plugin and now I can edit C++ projects with Vim taking advantage of syntax highlighting, autocompletion, inline error messages, etc. But ...
Bitcoin_1o1's user avatar
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What is the FeeReason enumeration in the Bitcoin Core?

There is enumeration called FeeReason. What is it? What is its use cases? /* Enumeration of reason for returned fee estimate */ enum class FeeReason { NONE, HALF_ESTIMATE, FULL_ESTIMATE, ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
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what is the mapBlocksUnknownParent variable?

I was reviewing this pull request. It was an attempt to remove the global variable mapBlocksUnknownParent. I found the definition here. In the CChainState::LoadExternalBlockFile function. // Map ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
6 votes
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What is the purpose of indexing the mempool by these five criteria?

In the bitcoin source code in txmempool.h, a comment says that unconfirmed transactions are indexed by five criteria: * mapTx is a boost::multi_index that sorts the mempool on 5 criteria: * - ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
3 votes
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where does the main.cpp moved to in recent versions?

I was reading this article about bitcoin-core. It is an explanation of bitcoin-core source code version 0.3, and it described a file named main.cpp. In the recent versions this file does not exist (or ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
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Does bitcoind validate every block for every time it starts?

When running bitcoind, it starts downloading the blockchain and validate every block in a row. It stores the blockchain in the ~/.bitcoin/blocks directory. And when we break daemon and restart it, ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
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Is commenting on github as reviewer good place to ask questions about source code?

I'm not sure even this question is off-topic or not. But bear with me. Currently I have a good knowledge of bitcoin protocol and network but know very little about its source code and implementation ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
8 votes
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Was the addition of OP_NOP codes in Bitcoin 0.3.6 a hard or soft fork?

I'm doing some deeper research into historical consensus changes and it seems like most folks consider the addition of the OP_NOP codes to be a hard fork. Here's the diff for their addition: https://...
Jameson Lopp's user avatar
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Scripthash from bitcoin address with Golang

I broke my head looking for a solution. I want use bitcoin address for electrumx Take bitcoin address from docs example: 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa And i need convert to ...
Timofey Belanenko's user avatar
9 votes
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Satoshi's coding quality

I have little knowledge about C++, so I want to ask two questions from "expert" (C++) programmers here: Why Satoshi wrote Bitcoin in C++ and not in (for example) C language? any technical ...
Fang's user avatar
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Where's the code that bitcoin core uses to generate private keys

I was looking through the repository but theres just too many folders to go through Wheres the code bitcoin core uses to generate private keys?
sonu ishaq's user avatar
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Trying to validade a bitcoin block

So I'm trying to validade a bitcoin block just for curiosity, let's take for example bitcoin block #1 (
Gabriel Lucas's user avatar
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Why are there limitations between educational and real world usage?

This link looks very practical and "hands in the dirty". But in the example of Python code for node discovery and connections, it often gives warning about the fact it is of "...
totalMongot's user avatar
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What's the relationship between Bittorrent and Bitcoin?

I know both implementations make use of decentralization, but is Bitcoin using any technology that was developed by Bittorrent?
Bitcoingraffiti's user avatar
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How do I get circulating supply and total supply for cryptocurrencies?

How can I get circulating supply and total supply for cryptocurrencies? I am not talking about using coinmarketcap's API, I want to get the data myself. Should I get it from the source-code?
user127862's user avatar
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How to reset bitcoin testnet / signet / regtest in newest bitcoin core

The testnet data directory is not ~/.bitcoin but rather ~/.bitcoin/testnet3. ~/.bitcoin holds the data for the main Bitcoin blockchain. the files are still there but deleting them wont work anymore. ...
BG media's user avatar
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Building Bitcoin Core on Linux/Ubuntu with Visual Studio Code

Does anyone developing Bitcoin Core use VSCode for compilation and debugging on Linux/Ubuntu? How can one configure VSCode to compile Bitcoin Core?
user107511's user avatar
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bitcoin file function folder location testnet setgenerate true

can somebody help me to point out where and in wich file the setgenerate true testnet function is located and controlled is it in chainparams.ccp or somewhere else ? and where to change the bitcoin ...
BG media's user avatar
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How exactly does bitcoin code change happen in a decentralized system [duplicate]

I have long been under the assumption that bitcoin was just a "protocol" or a "contract“. Different nodes run their own implementation, on different hardwares. Some are efficient, some ...
CuriousMind's user avatar
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Where change the size of the window in Bitcoin code?

I already try changeing the height and width parameters of the forms in src/qt/forms but nothing changes, where else i need to look?
user120900's user avatar
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Who approves the feature and bug code reviews in Bitcoin?

I see a list of Bitcoin feature and pull requests here. How do all million plus users agree to these feature/bug requests? Do all users of Bitcoin have to approve them, or who represents them in ...
mattsmith5's user avatar
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Educational sample of minimal working mining code

I would like if someone could point me to a minimal program source code that does solo minig on a CPU. (Can assume a running bitcoind/full node) Something that in theory (obviously not in practice) ...
user1747134's user avatar
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I have forgotten my Blockchain account password and 12 word recovery. I have the wallet id and password to the wallet. Can i get my funds back?

I have forgotten my Blockchain bitcoin account password and 12 word recovery(possibly didn't even create one). However I do have my wallet id and the password to the wallet. Is there a way to get the ...
Goliver's user avatar
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Is the entire blockchain kept in memory?

Putting aside pool mining, does the Bitcoin mining program keep the entire blockchain in memory? Including transactions? I've been reading through the original Bitcoin code and it looks like the ...
Addy's user avatar
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How to improve bitcoin-qt when downloading blockchain? (very technical, dev views appreciated)

GitHub suggested discussing here before bothering developers with an issue. So be it! :) I'm running Bitcoin Core Version v0.20.1 and Linux Mint 18.3 on crappy old hardware. Pruning blockchain to 2 G ...
pisjatblin's user avatar
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What are some of the GitHub alternatives that you consider for Bitcoin Core and other Bitcoin related projects? [closed]

Time for Bitcoin Core and other bitcoin related projects to look for GitHub alternatives? Some of the issues:
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How can I add the MySQL C++ connector to Bitcoin Makefile?

I'm trying to add a custom function to my bitcoin client that queries a mysql db. I followed this guide for the basic:
JJJ's user avatar
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What is a good approach to learning the Bitcoin codebase?

I've read Mastering Bitcoin and other high level resources and I believe I have a decent understanding of Bitcoin. I'd now like to read and understand the source code. However, I'm very new to cpp and ...
Matthew Cruz's user avatar
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How can I get stealthVersion from bitcoin's source code?

I found that a library called Bitcoinkit use stealthVersion. Network.swift public class Mainnet: Network { ... override var stealthVersion: UInt8 { return 0x2A } ... I tried to ...
Coel Wu's user avatar
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Bitcoin create TX. What is 'hash_type'? What is the meaning of item 13? Why is this value chosen? What does it mean?
Джон Смит's user avatar
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where in the source code is the the proof of work checking the blockheader hash and nonce?

Where in the source code do we check whether hash(blockheader*nonce) < Difficulty In fact, the line I found is as follows: My ...
user92452's user avatar
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Why Ardor does not use Maven?

Are there some reasons why maven and standard maven directory layout are not used in Ardor?
Sergei Romanov's user avatar
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Representation of coordinates in signature. OpenSSL

I want to calculate the v-value from the signature obtained using the OpenSSL ECDSA_do_sign function. I found that this value is calculated using the parity of y-coordinate of r. Here I also found ...
Oroffe's user avatar
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Bitcoin ECDSA signature in the compact format

I would like to understand how to get Bitcoin ECDSA signature in a compact format, when it's exactly 65 bytes. In the bitcoin-core repository, secp256k1_ecdsa_recoverable_signature_load is ...
Oroffe's user avatar
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What is the best way to test new consensus protocol?

I wanted to test a new consensus protocol. However, the bitcoin core is a large codebase (>100k lines). Is there any small codebase which is designed to test new consensus protocols and includes only ...
Vivek Bagaria's user avatar
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Is it true that only one message can be sent at a time in Bitcoin Core?

I looked into Bitcoin Core client code, and it seems that there is a lock that allows only one thread to send data (Block, TX, etc.) at a given time point. If this is true, it means that transactions ...
Northy Mol's user avatar
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What is the behavior of the try catch statement in lines 1707-1729 in the ui.cpp in the release 0.1?

In the first public release, ui.cpp has this code on the lines in the subject: void CSendingDialog::OnReply3(CDataStream& vRecv) { int nRet; try { vRecv >> nRet; ...
erasmortg's user avatar
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Bitcoind does not like ECDSA (r, s) pair produced by OpenSSL

I am writing transactions manually and have stumbled across a rather bizarre situation. Only one in a few of the transactions I broadcast to bitcoind is accepted, otherwise I get a REJECT_NONSTANDARD ...
Tedy S.'s user avatar
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How is bitcoind "shy" when exchanging `version` packets?

This is more of a technical/programming question. I am referring to this line of code: ...
Tedy S.'s user avatar
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Where in the source code are transaction validation checks implemented?

I understand that consensus (mining) and transaction validation are different concepts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe each full node validates transactions and puts the valid ones into its ...
sk4's user avatar
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How does the most recently found critical vulnerability (CVE-2018-17144) work?

If you were a miner, what are the steps you would take to create the extra (21,000,012.5th) bitcoin? Where in the source code is this exactly (link)? Why can't this be done by a non-miner? Also, ...
hedgedandlevered's user avatar