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Questions tagged [debugging]

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Identifying Test-Only RPC Arguments

I am trying to identify test-only rpc arguments in init.cpp and wanted to confirm if the test-only options are those with ArgsManager::DEBUG_ONLY with OptionsCategory::DEBUG_TEST, or ArgsManager::...
Prabhat Verma's user avatar
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Bitcoin-cli keeps crashing around block 810180 and will always restart at block 809941

So I'm downloading and syncing the blockchain using bitcoin core. Whenever it teaches block 810810, the terminal will just close by itself and then I restart the node, it will start syncing from block ...
Jonathan Gafar's user avatar
2 votes
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bitcoind 23.0 crashed mysteriously after 2 hours, what do I do next?

My new bitcoin node ran for about two hours and then crashed for no apparent reason. What do I do next to debug or fix the problem? This is my first time running a bitcoin node. I have lots of ...
Epictitus's user avatar
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Fail at coding my private to public key converter (Pyhon)

Fail at coding my private to public key converter script for Bitcoin (Secp256k1) Currently going through the book "Programming Bitcoin by Jimmy Song", got stuck on page 61 (Chapter 3), but ...
Maltoon Yezi's user avatar
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2 answers

Does bitcoind validate every block for every time it starts?

When running bitcoind, it starts downloading the blockchain and validate every block in a row. It stores the blockchain in the ~/.bitcoin/blocks directory. And when we break daemon and restart it, ...
Amir reza Riahi's user avatar
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blocknotify ignores > /dev/null 2>&1 and fills up my debug log

I have this code in my bitcoin.conf blocknotify=/root/.nvm/versions/node/v11.15.0/bin/node /home/BTC/block.js %s > /dev/null 2>&1 I see the error runCommand error: system(/root/.nvm/versions/...
Ben Muircroft's user avatar
3 votes
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Another similar experience to "a Bug in copying BTC address"

Using my wallet app, I sent $50 in BTC to the address: bc1qtzxadce2qzpfwl0xrq46xss9nxdjkjfekqvttj This is a transaction done times before and isn't unfamiliar. Yet, this deposit wasn't ...
Ra2377ven's user avatar
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Do you need a configuration flag to be able to obtain detailed debug logs?

Do you need to configure Bitcoin Core with --enable-debug to be able to obtain detailed debug logs when running bitcoind with -debug=category?
Michael Folkson's user avatar
3 votes
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Bitcoin transaction script debugging strategy - how to debug 'invalid script' errors

I've been playing around with DLC transactions but I can't seem to create a valid CET transaction to conclude simple all or nothing bets. Further details below on my specific case, though this ...
satirn's user avatar
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I try to simply get into the OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY opcode and test it. However I get the error error: Locktime requirement not satisfied no matter what unix- or blocktime I enter in my btcdeb. I ...
zerotobtc's user avatar
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Building Bitcoin Core on Linux/Ubuntu with Visual Studio Code

Does anyone developing Bitcoin Core use VSCode for compilation and debugging on Linux/Ubuntu? How can one configure VSCode to compile Bitcoin Core?
user107511's user avatar
1 vote
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When would I use USDT tracing over debugging? How do they compare and complement each other?

I am starting to learn about USDT tracing that 0xB10C hosted a PR review club on in May 2021 and is covered in this blog post. I am still a little unclear when I would reach for this tool (assuming I ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
2 votes
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What do these memory configurations in debug.log of BitCoin Core represent?

In the debug.log file of BitCoin Core, the cache configuration is described as follows. Cache configuration: Using 2.0 MiB for block index database Using 8.0 MiB for chain state database Using ...
GoneV's user avatar
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What possible explanation could there be that Bitcoin Core on Linux Mint claims to but does not save the wallet backups?

Linux Mint. Bitcoin Core 0.21.0. I go to "File" and "Backup wallet", then select any location. I've tried with /home/a and /tmp and others. Every time, Bitcoin Core says that the ...
Willas's user avatar
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How do I debug Taproot functional tests using pdb?

I am looking at the some of the Taproot functional tests such as to review the open Taproot PR. I would like to use pdb to debug these tests. Can you provide some guidance on how to ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
2 votes
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What is Valgrind? When should I use it for debugging Bitcoin Core over using gdb, lldb, pdb etc?

I was watching Fabian Jahr's presentation on debugging Bitcoin Core at Bitcoin Edge Dev++ 2019. He mentioned Valgrind briefly at the end. What is it and when should I use it over gdb, lldb, pdb etc?
Michael Folkson's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How do I get started debugging Bitcoin Core functional tests?

I would like to get started with debugging Bitcoin Core code. I have heard debugging Bitcoin Core functional tests is a good place to start as they are in Python rather than C++ and they are easier to ...
Michael Folkson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Debugging Bitcoin Core with gdb - how to turn off compiler optimizations

I ran the configure script with the --enable-debug flag, then ran make. I am running unit tests: gdb --args src/test/test_bitcoin --log_level=all --run_test=script_standard_tests I'm trying to step ...
JBaczuk's user avatar
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Converting raw scriptPubKey to readable format

I am debugging Bitcoin cpp code. I wanted to see what exactly come for scriptPubKey property of output. Theoretically, I know this but I want to see in the code how does it looks like. Now while ...
Vishwas Bhushan's user avatar
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bitcoin debug withe clion

I got this error when I have tried to compile on lubuntu 16.04 34: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘host_16bits’ inline uint16_t htole16(uint16_t host_16bits) using clion, is there any guide on how to ...
Pater92's user avatar
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Debugging Bitcoin Unit Tests

I am running the unit tests from bitcoin source using make check, and would like to debug the tests using LogPrint in the bitcoin source files. I read in the Test Docs that logs are only output to ...
JBaczuk's user avatar
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Setting up Bitcoin Core Wallet

Trying to set up Bitcoin Core Wallet. I've started blockchain synchronization 4 times and each time it has reached a certain percentage and then failed. I've followed instructions on the website, ...
Rahul Deshmukh's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

What are the debug categories?

In the bitcoin configuration you can set debug logging for the following categories. I can't seem to find an explanation of what each of these categories does. Can someone explain them or point me in ...
Edward Kerstein's user avatar
1 vote
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How to debug bitcoin core in "real time"

I am new to bitcoin core and C++ I downloaded already the project from: and run "makefile" command. Now I can make all transaction against the blockchain. I want ...
Nomi's user avatar
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3 votes
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What IDE to use for Bitcoin development?

I want to experiment with Bitcoin's code (both Core and Unlimited, if it makes a difference). I really wanted to use CLion, but was unable to compile it and make it work (something to do with using a ...
UriCS's user avatar
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Debugging bitcoind

How do you attach a gdb to a bitcoind daemon. I wish to step through the functions. Here is what i have tried. gdb --args bitcoind -regtest -daemon This however exists when the daemon starts. So i ...
Bobo's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

How to limit the debug.log file while running bitcoind?

The debug.log file is getting pretty big on bitcoind. How do you limit the size of the file? I'm on Ubuntu 12.
Patoshi パトシ's user avatar