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Which command line software tools are required to mine litecoin

I have compiled litecoin core and am currently running litecoind which is downloading the blockchain. What other command-line tools do I need in order to mine litecoin without a GUI? And what are the ...
codecowboy's user avatar
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How much space needed to run Bitcoin daemon in amazon AMI?

How much space needed to run Bitcoin daemon in amazon AMI(ubuntu 12.04), I am currently having 20GB is that enough suppose i want to run multiple coin daemon say 6 coin daemons how much space(approx) ...
M.R's user avatar
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Low hashrate with cgminer 3.7.2 kalroth edition @ ubuntu 13.10 x64 @ R9 290 MSI GAMING EDITION @ 16 gb ram @ core i7 860

I'm trying with (below my sh file): export DISPLAY=:0 export GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT=100 export GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS=1 cd /home/x/cgminer-3.7.2-kalroth/ find *.bin -delete sleep 3 cgminer --scrypt -o ...
facebook-100000565381055's user avatar
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Help - Running R9 290x graphics card headless in Linux

Running Ubuntu 13.10. When I hook up the card to a monitor through HDMI, cgminer detects the card. When I unplug the HDMI cable from the monitor, the system throws a blank screen. I can ssh in from ...
user12355's user avatar
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Segfault when attempting to run cgminer on ubuntu 10.04

I recently wanted to try mining some crypto-currency, and litecoin seemed to be a good way to start since it doesn't require too specific hardware. However, running cgminer after install (which was ...
l0r3nz4cc10's user avatar
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Scrypt server mining process killed

On my vps I decided to start mining litecoin because I wasn't really using the server for anything. I thought, why not? I ran the cpuminer script with the correct command line arguments and it ...
markd's user avatar
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Pushpoold mmcFE-Litecoin server not running properly

I am starting a LiteCoin mmcFE-pushpool pool for several clubs at my university, and am having some problem. First, we are running on an EC2 instance (Ubuntu), and have mmcFE and pushpull running. I ...
user2341830's user avatar