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Questions tagged [watch-only]

refers to observing the balance of addresses only by address not by public key.

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Reg: Watch only Address

I have been given " Watch only Address" by one of my friends. To make the funds credited into my account or to use the BTC, what is way to get the private key? Do we need to pay anything to ...
Lakshmana's user avatar
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Create unsigned tx (PSBT) in a watch-only wallet using bitcoin core, sign it in electrum and broadcast using bitcoin core

What are the steps that we can follow to create an unsigned tx for watch-only cold storage address using bitcoin core? How can we sign the transaction and broadcast it later?
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I have watched addresses in my do i use them?

How do I use the watch only addresses that are in my wallet? I can't find the private keys. Is their any way to use them or should I just delete the wallet with the watch addresses in them?
Jimmie wells's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Add a Watch-only Wallet in Bitcoind

When running bitcoind under OSX/Linux, how can we add a watch-only wallet using the JSON RPC? Do we need the public key or is the bitcoin address sufficient?
Nyxynyx's user avatar
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Can't spend Watch-Only coins, have I been scammed?

Inspired by Murch's format of Why is there no such thing as a redirected, forged, or fake transaction? to create one question that is well-worded and accessible through search engines. Recently, I've ...
MCCCS's user avatar
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2 answers

How to create unsigned tx in a watch-only wallet?

UPDATE: The issue is resolved and I have mentioned the steps in Create unsigned tx (PSBT) in a watch-only wallet using bitcoin core, sign it in electrum and broadcast using bitcoin core Below are the ...
user avatar
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How do I transfer from a watch-only wallet to my other wallets?

I have a watch-only wallet with BTC in there. How do I transfer to another wallet? I don't seem to have a key. Is that possible? I can find the transactions on the blockchain, but can't seem to do any ...
EVIE's user avatar
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2 answers

Watch only wallet

I'm having this message: "Your wallet does not have private key for this address. You cannot spend coins received unless you have the private key elsewhere." How can I move my coins from watch only ...
MrMima's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to use a watch-only wallet in Bitcoin Core?

I'm using Bitcoin Core v23.0. It seems to support watch-only wallets by setting disable_private_keys=true during wallet creation. $ bitcoin-cli -regtest createwallet "test" true { "...
rustyx's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make ImportMulti function like ImportAddress for watch-only addresses placed into Accounts?

My question is: I want to use ImportMulti to import a long list of watch-only addresses. However, unlike ImportAddress, I don't see any way to place these addresses into specific "accounts". Is this ...
dimsumcode's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Watch Only Wallets

I don't understand the point of a Watch Only Wallet. I've seen posts that state these wallets don’t contain any private keys, which means they can’t be used to spend coins they receive. In which case ...
trajan's user avatar
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I have been asked to download Trust wallet, and was sent funds from watch only address. Sender is asking me to deposit $200 from cash app to get 5k

Someone asked me to open a watchwallet. Sent me over 2k “on watch” asking me to send them $200 to their cash app in order to get my $200 back, keep all the money in my watch wallet, and another 5k. ...
Annie Ferrara's user avatar
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Errors with `walletcreatefundedpsbt` & non-solvable UTXOs

I'm attempting to use walletcreatefundedpsbt with a watch-only wallet. With 2.0 BTC in the watch-only wallet, I attempt to create a psbt sending 0.2 BTC without specifying inputs and receive an "...
justinmoon's user avatar