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image fixed (inlining HTTP images doesn't work anymore); for more info, see

1. Demonstration

Donate button

Click to donate button on page:

Link must be opened in your Bitcoin client, example:


2. Relevance

This answer is relevant for April 2018. In the future, the data of this answer may be obsolete.

3. Redirect

You need to use redirect.

User click on Donate button → is redirected to Bitcoin-Redirect page in current tab → then opened bitcoin wallet of user → in current tab is opened page, on which Donate button is situated.

4. Details

4.1. Source of Donate button

[![Bitcoin Donate Button](](

If you click the image, you will go to a page See answer on Meta Stack Exchange, how use Markdown markup for this construction. Alternative worked HTML source:

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

4.2. Source of Bitcoin-Redirect page

window.location.href = "bitcoin:17uctxtsWG3gpyAy6iJ8AVd5rdSjkJH2?label=In%20the%20treatme0of%20Sasha's%20teeth&amp;amount=0.0037";

Use JavaScript methods window.location.href and history.back.