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Unanswered Questions

78 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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0 answers

Why bother with 'account' in derivation path?

After lots of wallet testing, I'm thinking that only account level 0 should be used. Especially, when you consider restoring a wallet from the seed phrase. m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / ...
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0 answers

Generating HD wallet seed phrase

got a new hardware wallet and thinking of using my own set of bip39 words instead of wallet generated one, combined with a passphrase.
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0 answers

How to store hd wallet seed in production server

I've developed a cryptocurrency payment gateway, which is a web application that generates new addresses for users, I've developed a HD wallet as a hot wallet for my application, and all addresses for ...
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0 answers

How to get the compressed WIF of my key?

I'm a trying to understand the different encoding on the private keys. What format is used by the iancoleman validator and why? How can I reproduce it? All my Data is valid. According to the bitcoin ...
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2 answers

Working Implementations of BIP85

Can anyone point me to working implementations of BIP85? The only one I'm aware of is the Coldcard Wallet implementation.
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0 answers

How are the prefixes for EXT_PUBLIC_KEY and EXT_PRIVATE_KEY derived?

I want to know how the prefixes for EXT_PUBLIC_KEY and EXT_PRIVATE_KEY are derived. For example in bitcoin you have: base58Prefixes[PUBKEY_ADDRESS] = std::vector<unsigned char>(1,0); ...
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0 answers

Does Electrum reveal a wallets public key to Electrum Servers?

When Electrum Bitcoin wallet queries a random Electrum Server does it send the public key to the server or does it send a batch of addresses to check? For instance, after setting up Electrum Personal ...
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0 answers

Bitcoin core read-only

I have system where users can generate addresses and bring some coins, and get bonuses after. I want to make my core read-only. For this I have a second bitcoin core which have not connected to ...
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0 answers

Lightning Network: are all keys pre-generated in the base row of the merkle tree?

From the whitepaper, page 41: Keys are generated in a merkle tree and are very deep within the tree. For instance, Alice pre-generates one million keys, each key being a child of the previous ...
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0 answers

How to list non-HD addresses in bitcoin core?

Let's say I imported some private keys, how do I distinguish between those and addresses generated from the HD master key?
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0 answers

Creating HD wallets with BouncyCastle in C#?

I'm trying to write a class that can be used to generate public/private key pairs for bitcoin (and any of its 'clones'), I found some code elsewhere that uses BouncyCastle to generate keys, here's the ...
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0 answers

How to dump all private key from wallet.dat (walletversion > 130000)?

I tried to use pywallet and it can't dump all of the wallet's private keys. When I send 10 transactions & decode raw transactions, I will get 10 new addresses, but I can't dump all of the private ...
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0 answers

HD P2SH Wallets Compatibility with P2WPKH

Are BIP32 Hierarchal Deterministic compatible with P2SH addresses? Not as multisig but instead for the new P2WPKH?
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0 answers

I forgot the index of my BIP32 key

I had chosen at random an index for storing some bitcoins. My key derivation path is Bip32 m/0h/1 How would I go about generating all 2 billion keys and check which one has the funds I stored? The ...
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1 answer

Create addresses in bulk; and check balance

I am new to Bitcoin; our company wants to use bitcoin for payments. We need to create a address for each transaction. so we need to create many public address. First, I need to generate many public ...

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