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Unanswered Questions

136 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Intermittent error "min relay fee not met" even with decent fee and custom Electrumx+Bitcoind

I have an automated system that sends BTC payments via Electrum for a client. Now, it happens again and again that payments keep failing with "min relay fee not met" (RPC call failed: {"code":-32603,"...
2 votes
1 answer

I can't send a transaction from electrums cli

I am trying to send a transaction in the cli using electrum with the command ~$ electrum --testnet payto mvYrQck9VfujSanmwvQxiLab3fLuywGdvh 0.01 -f 0.002 Password: (I entered the correct password ...
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0 answers

What is the smallest ubuntu virtualbox image to run cryptocurrency software on?

I'm looking to do all my crypto related stuff like storing coins and managing my coin wallets inside a virtualbox. I plan to use ubuntu as it seems most friendly with many crypto coins. What is the ...
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0 answers

Electrum error "server did not answer" when trying to send?

I am now getting this error. Several sites discuss it, but they are all fairly old. I have restarted electrum, and restarted the computer. Selecting a different server either doesn't help, or it ...
2 votes
0 answers

How is the transaction fee for sending bitcoins using Electrum wallet calculated ?

I am trying to understand how is the fee for transaction calculated for desktop wallets like electrum.
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0 answers

Extract private keys from litecoin-qt wallet.dat file

I used litecoin-qt back in 2014, and used the backup feature, which gave me a wallet.dat file... Now i want to extract the private key from the wallet.dat file so it can be used in electrum. I do not ...
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0 answers

Bitcoins unconfirmed even after double spend

I'm very new to bitcoin and recently bought 0.066 bitcoins and transferred them to my electrum wallet. I then transferred them to another wallet but I set the fee too low (40Sat/b) and it was stuck in ...
2 votes
1 answer

Electrum 2.7.9 setup never went through the password and seed setup, now I can't send coins

I installed the Electrum 2.7.9 wallet and it never went through the password and seed setup. I ended up with a default standard wallet. I then uninstalled the Electrum wallet and then reinstalled it. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Safety differences between full wallet encryption and only encrypting the private keys?

I'm a newcomer in the Bitcoin world and I wanted to ask the following questions regarding wallet security: What are the safety differences between fully encrypting the wallet.dat file and only ...
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0 answers

Does the electrum client decide the best chain on the basis of how much work was done, or how long the chain is?

Bitcoin Core compares blockchains based on how much work they contain, and not necessarily which one is longest. This is useful for preventing time warp attacks. This comment on HN says that the ...
2 votes
1 answer

Can I spend from multiple wallets in Electrum (or somehow import/merge them)?

Is it possible, in Electrum, to merge wallets, and or do a transfer using multiple wallet keys? I have some dust in a wallet and would like to get it out. I'm hoping I can easily incorporate it into ...
2 votes
1 answer

Bitcoin wallet balance doesn't add up to what my addresses have

I have had a Bitcoin Core wallet on Windows for a long time. For most of this time I have been inactive. My client has gone out of sync and my wallet sat on my computer as well as a backup on a usb ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why can't I use Electrum seed to recover my wallet on Trezor and

I wanted to use my BCH after the hard fork so I was going to import my wallet on Trezor or since they support BCH (Electrum doesn't support BCH AFAIK) but it seems both Trezor and ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to use self hosted Lightning node?

Looking for some guidance... I followed the Raspibolt guide, and completed setting up my own Bitcoin Node, Electrum Personal Server, and Lightning Node. I have the Electrum Mobile Wallet, and I am ...
1 vote
0 answers

(Permission) Issue running electrum server as a service in Raspberry Pi 5

Disclaimer: Having some linux permissions issues, but it is related to setting up a Bitcoin Node, and an Electrum Server; if there's a better place to post this, please lmk!. I've been following the ...

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