So, I have written a script that generates BIP39 mnemonics. I now want to generate N native SegWit public keys from this mnemonic.
I have found this, but it generates legacy addresses. It uses the module bip32utils.
def bip39(mnemonic_words):
mobj = mnemonic.Mnemonic("english")
seed = mobj.to_seed(mnemonic_words)
bip32_root_key_obj = bip32utils.BIP32Key.fromEntropy(seed)
bip32_child_key_obj = bip32_root_key_obj.ChildKey(
44 + bip32utils.BIP32_HARDEN
0 + bip32utils.BIP32_HARDEN
0 + bip32utils.BIP32_HARDEN
return {
'mnemonic_words': mnemonic_words,
'addr': bip32_child_key_obj.Address(),
'publickey': binascii.hexlify(bip32_child_key_obj.PublicKey()).decode(),
'privatekey': bip32_child_key_obj.WalletImportFormat(),
'coin': 'BTC'
if __name__ == '__main__':
seed = 'input display smile visa surround learn solar hero vacuum parrot cigar devote'
I assume I need bip44utils or something, but it doesn't exists. I have tried looking at bip-utils but I can't work out how to convert my mnemonic to an address.
Does anyone know how I can convert a mnemonic to a SegWit address (in a way that I can change the derivation path to get multiple addresses)?
I found bitcoinlib can do this.
from bitcoinlib.wallets import Wallet
passphrase = 'input display smile visa surround learn solar hero vacuum parrot cigar devote'
w = Wallet.create("Wallet1", witness_type='segwit', keys=passphrase, network='bitcoin')
WalletKeys = (w.get_keys(number_of_keys=10))
for k in WalletKeys:
And now it works just as I wanted it to.