I would truly appreciate anyone's help.
I have a BTC core wallet, it's 2 years behind on the blockchain update. I previously sent a couple of test sends for 0.01 BTC each quite a while ago, end of 2017 and mid 2018. These were seemingly lost as I can't find anything relating to them. I likely used too low a mining fee that I had nominated, being clueless.
In any case, just yesterday I tried to transfer the balance of my wallet with the "recommended" settings of my wallet for the mining fee, and now I can't find anything and fear the coins all lost, as they don't turn up on any blockchain search (or even the boost thing at https://www.viabtc.com/tools/txaccelerator) that I can find. Also Nexo, the org behind the receiving wallet, cannot help me as they just don't know since the transaction hash produces nothing for them.
These are the three transactions:
[all hashes and addresses below removed now since I have solved things, leaving just the label on what was there]
3. 0.198 btc - yesterday 3/18/2021 19:59 label hash to account #
1 (label ) 5/7/2018 16:32 tried to send 0.01 BTC hash to wallet
2 (label) 6/8/2018 15:55 tried to send 0.01 BTC hash to address
The wallet started with 0.2 sent to it in Dec 2017.
Thanks in advance to anyone that might be able to help. My heart is coming out my mouth...
Thank you michael
[will write solution to this shortly...]