We only get balance of all addresses in bitcoin core, but how to show every UTXOs of each address in bitcoin core?

  • 1
    I think you will be able to do what you want using listunspent. listunspent command Commented Mar 14 at 11:14
  • but listunspent only show the addresses whose UTXO is not zero. I want to list all addresses.
    – foolbear
    Commented Mar 14 at 15:22
  • 1
    UTXO stands for unspent transaction output. So there is no zero UTXO. listunpsent will show you all UTXO from your wallet. The number of addresses is really large, you can consider it infinite in order to understand the magnitude. If you only want to see a list of addresses with 0 balance, you can just generate new addresses with getnewaddress. You can also use listtransactions to see all transactions that are already spent and get addresses from there. Commented Mar 14 at 19:20

1 Answer 1


The coin control features is the same with listunspent.

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