My friend asked me to do a research for him on bitcoin mining, I don't know a lot so I'm asking. He's consider buying either NVIDIA gtx titan or NVIDIA gtc 980. Decent motherboard and internet speed. I stumbled upon a question on this site which says that Gpu and Cpu mining is over, it's all about ASIC now, but we can't afford ASIC.
- All in USA, we're living in Lebanon
- Overly expensive and we didn't count shipping costs
Now I want you to consider
- Internet is free
- Electricity is free
- Other than buying the hardware, we have no expenses at all
My question now is the following:
- In best case scenario, using NVIDIA gtx titan or NVIDIA gtc 980, how much bitcoin can we expect to mine? (unless it's really dead)
- Is it wise to buy NVIDIA gtx titan or NVIDIA gtc 980 to mine bitcoins if you don't pay taxes? Would it pay off?