Linked Questions

1 vote
1 answer

Should we still mine nowadays with CPU/GPU? [duplicate]

For the little bit I understood so far about the mining process, it seems to me that "finding" a block is very very very difficult for a CPU/GPU. However, since it is done by brute force, it seems to ...
PedroD's user avatar
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1 answer

Should i mine with gaming pc? [duplicate]

i want to ask should i start mining with my gaming pc spec: (cpu) i7-6700K 4gh (gpu) 1060 3gb and will i get more bit than wasted power? and what miners you use ?
MertisWee's user avatar
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Mining with a geforce 315 [duplicate]

I have a simple computer: 4GB ram, Intel core 2 duo E4500 and a Geforce 315 (i also have a Geforce 9400 but I don't know which is better) and I was wondering if it would be possible (without ...
Ash's user avatar
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When do I get paid when mining with eligius? [duplicate]

So, i'm trying out mining with a mac and i'm not asking whether mining is possible, my question is is it actually even possible to make a minimal amount of bitcoins. I hear people saying that mining ...
Tpixelminer's user avatar
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I am web developer, can i use my working pc to mine and work at same time? [duplicate]

Guyz, i am a web developer, i have single pc but i am thinking to add a good GPU in it, my question is that if i add good GPU, will i be able to mine crypto currencies like BTC/ETH and work on my pc ...
Ubaid's user avatar
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116 votes
9 answers

How much Bitcoin will I mine right now with hardware X?

Say I have a given piece of hardware (CPU/GPU). Where can I find out how much Bitcoin will I mine per day?
ripper234's user avatar
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66 votes
3 answers

In the ASIC-age, is it worth starting mining Bitcoin at home?

I have recently learned about Bitcoin and would like to get rich quickly into mining. I have control of a laptop library full of ancient computers powerful gaming PC cluster of GPUs an old ASIC, I ...
Murch's user avatar
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2 answers

Mining with only 1 GPU

I have a GTX Ttan and plan on getting a GTX 1060. I want to only mine with the 1060. How would I do that. Im using sgminer v5.3.1
TheTrueTechie's user avatar
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Bitcoin calculator based on my machine

I tried to find an online tool that would allow me to calculate how many BTC (or portions of it) I might be able to mine with my computer, but I couldn't find an answer that is exhaustive. Is there ...
Adriano's user avatar
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Seeing no Hash per second on any pool

I'm a newbie to bitcoin and having a hard time trying to take part of a pool. I subscribed to various ones, including : or give-me-coins And mining from windows with the following ...
Phil Brun's user avatar
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Bitcoin hardware

I want to start mining but I am not sure about my calculations. Is it worth to mine with 4 nvidia gtx titan X without paying for electricity? I calculated it with a bitcoin calculator and the money ...
Dexxrey's user avatar
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Would pool mining within video games (to make them free) be profitable? [duplicate]

Say a big game company like steactivblizzard released the latest Call of Assasins Hitman for free. They could incorporate bitcoin mining within the menu/pause/loading screens as a sort of payment ...
NeomerArcana's user avatar