I'm running a 0.12 Raspnode (raspberri Pi 2 B+ full node)
I've made the full node syncing in a laptop to speed up the process. Then, after moving all the files successfully and starting the full node in the rPi I have noted that it cannot completely sync and it is most of the time a few blocks away from 100% height.
The rPi is running only bitcoind and I've modified with renice
the priority to its assigned PID.
I would like to know what are the parameters and values I need to change in order to get a fully synchronized node (100% height).
The following options comes to mind:
- Increase the relayfee parameter? (current value minrelaytxfee=0.00005)
- Decrease the memory assigned to the UXTO? (current value maxmempool=150)
- Increase or decrease the prune value? (current is prune=30000)
- Decrease the free-tx limit? (current at limitfreerelay=10)
If you need any additional info feel free to ask for it, I would gladly provide it.
Edit: seems that blocks are being produced faster than the processing power of the Rpi 2 B+ can handle.. so it never gets sync'ed.. its always behind the last block.