I am gathering some btc details from coinwarz api as follows

Bitcoin difficulty: 711697198174

Bitcoin reward: 12.5

My personal hash rate: 1.425 TH/s

I then try to calculate amount of seconds it would take me to mine 1 coin, so

(711697198174 / 100) / 1.425 = 499436630297

The reason I am dividing difficulty by 100 above is so I can keep using my hashing power in TH/s

After this I try to calculate how many coins I can mine per day:

86400 / 499436630297 * 12.5 = 0.0002162436502

where 86400 is number of seconds in 24h. I get 0.0002162436502 coins per day, however every calculator I used online returns value similar to 0.00050348 coins per day.

I think this 0.00050348 is correct value, but I don't understand where my calculation is wrong

1 Answer 1


The problem is that you're not using the correct conversions:

The reason I am dividing difficulty by 100 above is so I can keep using my hashing power in TH/s

There are 1,000 GH to a TH.

difficulty / hashrate[GH/s] = time[s]

difficulty and hashrate stand in the following ratio:

difficulty = hashrate[H/s] / 7158388.055

Note that the formula uses hashes not gigahashes.

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