I'm working on extracting output addresses from tx messages in BITCOIN packets.
Currently, I extract address from output scripts which starts with 0x76(OP_DUP) like this :
76 a9 14 6d 1d 74 58 95 6e 80 cd b4 c3 3f 1e d5 8e 91 c4 92 1a 85 d0 88
but i don't have any idea about some output scripts which start with 0xA9(OP_HASH160).
As an example, i don't know in below example, what is the raw script, which is used to generate output address?
a9 14 16 52 33 02 f2 ee d0 e0 aa 6a 4c 1d 0a 41 39 6f c2 6f 53 6e 87
How i can extract output address from output scripts which start with -xA9?