The chance for someone to steal your money
In Numbers
There are 2^160 possible Bitcoin addresses
2^160 is
1 quindecillion 461 quattuordecillion 501 tredecillion 637 duodecillion 330 undecillion 902 decillion 918 nonillion 203 octillion 684 septillion 832 sextillion 716 quintillion 283 quadrillion 19 trillion 655 billion 932 million 542 thousand 976
1 461 501 637 330 902 918 203 684 832 716 283 019 655 932 542 976
possible Bitcoin addresses
In Grains of sand
In truth it is impossible for the human brain to properly and completely visualize an astronomical number like this
There are an estimated 2^63 (or about 7 Quintilian) grains of sand on planet Earth
If you divide 2^160 / 2^63 you get 1.5845633e+29 or
158 456 330 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
Thats 1 grain of sand in 30 digit number of Earths
or 1 grain of sand in 158 456 330 000 000 000 000
billion Earths
In Years
If you generate 100 000 private keys per second and check if each one has positive balance to steal it will take you
463 439 120 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000
years to guess the private key of some of the addresses of Satoshi Nakamoto for example
In Game
We have a tool called Coin Hunter which you can use to try different insecure private keys
Here is with the letters from the alphabet and you can see how this addresses had some balance at one point