First 3 opcodes are transaction introspection opcodes:
Define OP_SUCCESS205 as OP_PUSHCURRENTINPUTINDEX that pushes the current input index as CScriptNum. This can be used in conjunction with input introspection opcodes for inspecting current input.
Define OP_SUCCESS212 as OP_INSPECTNUMINPUTS: Push the number of inputs as CScriptNum
Define OP_SUCCESS213 as OP_INSPECTNUMOUTPUTS: Push the number of outputs as CScriptNum
was renamed to OP_TWEAKVERIFY
Define OP_SUCCESS228 as OP_TWEAKVERIFY with the following semantics: Pop the three elements as: 1) 32 byte X-only internal key P, 2) a 32 byte big endian, unsigned scalar k, and 3) 33 byte compressed point Q. Abort if P, Q is invalid or k is not 32 bytes and outside of secp256k1 curve order. Abort if Q != P + k*G where G is the generator for secp256k1.
Next 2 are arithmetic opcodes:
Define OP_SUCCESS218 as OP_DIV64: pop the first number(8 byte LE) as b followed another pop for a(8 byte LE). First push remainder a%b(must be non-negative and less than |b|) onto the stack followed by quotient(a//b) onto the stack. If b==0 or a = -263 && b = -1, treat as overflow as defined above. Push 1 CScriptNum if there is no overflow.
Define OP_SUCCESS217 as OP_MUL64: pop the first number(8 byte LE) as b followed another pop for a(8 byte LE). Push a*b onto the stack. Push 1 CScriptNum if there is no overflow. Overflow behavior defined above.
These are not same as OP_MUL
and OP_DIV
used in Bitcoin Core.
Couldn't find OP_SCALARMUL
, there is one crypto opcode with SCALAR
Define OP_SUCCESS227 as OP_ECMULSCALARVERIFY which pops three elements from stack as described below: 1) a 32 byte big endian, unsigned scalar k. 2) Compressed EC point P, and 3) compressed EC point Q. Abort if P, Q is invalid or k is not 32 bytes and outside of secp256k1 curve order. Abort if Q != k*P